Chapter Twenty- Seven

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Megan’s POV

I go to my Grease rehearsals and groan at the sight. Today is workshop day. Yay. Trust me there is a hell of alot more sarcasm in my voice then happiness. I take my seat and wait for Louis to come in the theatre. The doors open and I’m expecting my favorite teacher, but get the dick head Josh instead.

“Hey bar girl.” He gives me a smug grin and I roll my eyes.

“Can you not call me that?”

“I will stop calling you that once you tell me your name. Bar girl.” He gives me a wink and I go to say something sassy but get distracted when the doors open once again and Louis walks in.

“Hello my beautiful and talented drama students!” He says cheerfully and we all give him our ‘hellos’ before he keeps talking. “Now I know today is supposed to be a rehearsal day but I wanted us to work on our set. That is why I borrowed some paint from the art department and stole a few ladders from the janitors.” I laugh at his last statement. Leave it to Louis to be mischievous even at his job. “Alright then let’s get to work!” We all stand and go up to the stage.

Of course me being the luckiest person of them all Josh decides to sit next to me. He says nothing but grabs a paint brush and starts helping me with the poster. I am writing Grease on the large piece of sheet paper while Josh is just drawing the border. I like him like this. Silent. But of course he has to go and ruin it.

“You know it’s crooked right?” He points to my wording and I can tell it is slightly crooked.

“Well most people won’t be able to tell.” I go back to drawing the ‘R’ when he speaks again.

“Yeah they will. Here.” He takes my hand with the paintbrush and helps me draw the ‘R’.

I swear when he touched my hand all these tingles ran up my arm. I look at the drawing and back up at him and smile. He returns it quickly and I let go of his hand. I could have sworn I saw his smile drop as soon as I let his hand go, but he covered it quickly by ‘coughing’.

“Uh thanks.”

“No problem bar girl.” His smug smile returns and I push his arm so he messes up the border. “Hey! Why’d you do that?”

“Stop calling me bar girl!”

“No. I think I will keep calling you that. And do you want to know why?” He leans in closer to me and smirks.


“Because I love knowing that I can get you all hot and bothered.” He winks and smirks at me again. I lean into his ear this time and rest one hand on his neck.

“Oh baby. Even if you wanted to get me hot and bothered you couldn’t. But judging by the looks in your jeans I see I can do it to you.” He pulls away quickly and stands leaving me and the poster.

I begin laughing hysterically at his reaction. He has got to be the best entertainment in this school right now. I get my laughing under control and look at the mess of a poster. There’s no use in trying to save it so I decide to crumple it up and toss it. I grab another sheet and take my spot back on the stage floor. I start the poster over again and this time I make the Grease straight. I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve never been much of an artist but this is pretty good. I go to start the border but can’t remember how Josh had it set up. I sigh and run my hands in my hair. I guess I have to go find him.

I exit the theatre and hear this noise. It’s not bad actually. It sounds like drumming. I follow it into the band room and see him. Josh. He’s playing the drums and I can tell he is oblivious to the world as I walk in. He looks so into it. His arms look amazing playing those drums... and I got to get it together. Enemies Megan. You and Josh are enemies and you have a boyfriend. I get my thoughts together before I make a move. I know he won’t be able to hear me so I walk up to the drums and smile when he stops.

“What do you want?” He puts the sticks down and turns in the swivel chair from left to right.

“I uh need you to do the border again.” His smug smile returns and he laughs.

“Oh so now you need me? It’s your fault it got messed up in the first place.” He throws his hands in the air.

“Well you shouldn’t have called me bar girl!”

“Whatever. I don’t feel like doing the border.” He lifts his hands up to start playing the drums again but I speak.

“Will you please come and do the border again? And then you can come back here and bang your drums all night.”

“Oh sweetie I’d rather bang you.” He winks and I roll my eyes again. “But fine I will help you with the border since you are a terrible artist.” Josh stands.

“I’m not a terrible artist.” We walk back to the theatre and he laughs.

“Ok. whatever you say...”

“Megan. My name is Megan.”

“Megan? I like it.” His smile is actually genuine this time. That’s different.

He sits down and grabs the same paint brush he was using before and finishes the border for me. Once he’s done we both look at the poster and smile. It doesn’t look half bad. Josh turns and starts walking toward the theatre exit.

“Where are you going?” I ask and I hear the desperation in my voice. That’s weird.

“Back to banging my drums.” He gives me a cheeky smile with another wink.

“Oh. Ok.” I give him a smile but I know it’s forced.

Why is it forced? I shouldn’t care about what Josh does. It’s not like I like him. Right? Of course I don’t like him. He’s a dick.

“You can come if you want?” He looked nervous while he waited for my response. That’s odd.

“Sure.” He smiles widely at me and we walk back to the band room. I have no idea what I’m doing right now. But I don’t feel bad about it. Damn.

(A/N So Megan and Josh?!?!?!? Lol!! Woooowwwwzers!!! Comment please!! Xx)

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