Chapter Three

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Harry’s POV

I got her back like I always do. A few tears here and there and an I love you and she’s right back into my arms. The same arms that hurt her all the time. The bell rings after my fifth period class and I go to lunch. I see the people that I always hang out with already there. Janelle, Zayn, Nicole, Niall and Megan. Zayn and Janelle are a couple like Megan and I. Well not exactly like Megan and I but they are together. Niall and Nicole have obvious feelings for each other but neither will make the first move. Bloody idiots. I get my food and sit next to Megan. I pull her next to me and I hear her slightly wince. Damn.

“I’m sorry babe.” I whisper in her ear. She just shakes her head and continues eating. I look at Zayn and see he has this pissed and hurt expression on his face.

“So how has everyone’s day been so far?” Niall asks breaking the slight tension that was at our table. I look at Nicole and she is trying to read my expression that I keep casual. She never breaks her gaze from me when she answers.

“My day has been good.  How has yours been Haz?”

“Uhh it’s been alright I guess. I am a bit tired though.” I give a fake yawn and stretch.

“Yeah obviously someone was busy with their girlfriend last night if you know what I mean!” Janelle says giving Megan and I a wink. I feel Megan tense under my arm and I notice Niall’s face turn into a slight scowl. It will be a very interesting night in our dorm.

“Really Nell?” Megan responds while blushing slightly. We all laugh, except Nicole. She just keeps looking at me like she’s trying to read my mind. The future psychologist of the group she is.

“So Niall how have you been in the love area?” I question him and he almost spits his food out and a big blush spreads across his face.

“I... Uh...” He tries to avoid eye contact with Nicole and figure out a dumb lie to tell the whole group even though we know he wants to be with her.

“It’s alright Ni. It’s just a question.” Zayn says while squeezing Niall’s shoulder.

“I mean there is someone but...” I look over at Nicole and see her eyes go wide as she waits to hear what she’s been waiting for forever. “I uh really like...” And just then the bell rang and Niall shuffled to his feet and went to his next period. “See you guys later!” He yells before exiting the cafe.

“Well someone was literally saved by the bell.” I say hoping to get a good laugh, but I don’t.

“Maybe you should just cut the jokes Harry.” Janelle says before walking hand in hand with Zayn to their next period.

“Aw come on babe let’s go.” Megan grabs my hand and I walk her to her drama class before going with Nicole to our last class of the day.

(A/N ok so we all know Nicole know’s something is going between Harry and Megan. But what is it really? And the cute  Niall and Nicole moment!! awe!! Anyway leave predictions and comments!! Xx)

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