Chapter Thirty-One

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(A/N yay no more fluff chapters!!!)

( Another A/N 2 Months Later! Lol)

Zayn’s POV

We are all sitting at lunch, minus Harry, and the girls are talking about the big formal that is coming up. I don’t really like dances. I never have, but of course I’m going because Janelle wants me to. I know it will make her happy so I’m getting all fancied up for her. I look over at Niall and he has the same bored look on his face that I have. Dancing isn’t really his thing either. The things we do for love.

“Well Megs, I was thinking you could take that Josh guy!” Nell yells and snaps me out of my thoughts. I look at Megan and see she has this horrified look on her face. I forgot the girls don’t know about her and Harry.

“I’ll pass thanks.” Megan responds duly.

“But Megs we don’t want you to feel awkward.” Nic speaks and smiles.

“I won’t feel awkward. I will be fine, trust me.” Megan gives them a fake smile and Janelle and Nicole drop the date subject. For now. If I know Nell she will bring it back up when no one else is around. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair when Janelle turns to face me.

“So babe, what are you going to wear?”

“I uh...” I hadn’t thought about it that much. I don’t go to dances much so I don’t know what to wear.

“I was thinking you could wear like dress slacks and a nice shirt. It would be simple and sexy.” She gives me a wink and I feel a slight blush reach my cheeks.

“Yeah. What are you wearing babe?” I ask and this look of panic sweeps across her face. She turns to Megan and Nicole and they have the same look. What the...

“We don’t have dresses!” The say at the same time before getting up quickly.

“Gotta go babe! I will talk to you later.” Nell gives me a quick peck and Nic does the same to Niall before the all leave the lunchroom. When they leave I see Megan slip Harry a wave and blows him a kiss behind Nic and Nell’s back. Very clever that one is.

“Well this dance will be interesting.” Niall says before taking a bite out of his sandwich. That it will.

Nicole’s POV

Janelle, Megan, and I ditch our last period and go to this boutique that’s not that far off campus. The items there are pretty cheap and the dresses are gorgeous. Our entire way there Nell is upset with herself.

“I can’t believe I forgot to get a freaking dress. The hell was I going to wear to the formal? Some yoga pants?” Megan and I start laughing and she nudges us slightly.

We enter the store and grab a whole bunch of dresses and head straight to the fitting rooms. Seeing as it is the school formal we have to keep it classy. No trashiness, as Janelle would say. The first dress I try on is a peach colored dress. It goes past my knees and doesn’t look so good. We all step out of our rooms at the same time and start laughing. Megan’s dress is way too big and Nell’s is too long.

“On to the next one!” I yell and we step back into our fitting rooms.

This goes on for what seems like forever. Neither one of us can find the right dress and it’s really frustrating. I am finally down to my last dress. It’s a cream colored strapless dress. It has crystal rhinestones lining the top of the dress and the bottom half is extra sparkly from the glitter. It’s short but not too short to where my ass is hanging out. I do a few turns and know I found my dress. The girls and I once again step out of our fitting rooms and are in awe at each others dresses. Megan is in a short dress with a pale pink top that is corseted in the back. The bottom is black and layered so it looks flowly. Janelle is in a lavender dress that’s short like Megan and I’s. The top is strapless and is covered with lace flowers and crystal rhinestones inside the flowers and the bottom frails out almost like a ballerina.

“Ok seriously we look bomb as fuck!” Janelle yells and we all laugh.

We change out of our dresses and go to pay for our amazing formal outfits. We then go shoe shopping and if dresses weren’t hard enough to find shoes top the cake. We finally find the right shoes and accessories and go back to our dorms. We drop our bags off by the door and plop down on the couch.

“I have never been more tired in my life.” Megan yawns and I do the same.

“Right! Shopping wears me out.” I stretch and lay my head back on the couch.

“Oh I’m sorry, I thought Niall did!” Nell says and her and Megan start laughing.

“Shut up Nell.” Just then her phone dings and I’m guessing it’s a text from Zayn. My thoughts are proven to be right when Janelle gets up and leaves the dorm saying she will see us later. I take this time to talk to Megan. “So...”

“So what?”

“Why won’t you take the hottie with a body that goes by Josh to the Formal?” I see her try to push back a blush but fails.

“Because he’s not really my type.” I go to say something  but Megan reads my mind and cuts me off. “And I know what you’re thinking, and yes my track record with boyfriends isn’t really the best but I just don’t want to go with him.”

“But why? There’s no harm in just asking. He seems like a cool guy.” She scoffs at my last statement.

“ Josh Devine is not a ‘cool guy’. He’s a dick.” She huffs and leans back in the couch.

“Yeah but you like him, and don’t try to tell me otherwise because I can read you like a book Megs.”

“Whatever. I’m going to bed.” She stomps to her room and slams the door. Yeah she totes has a thing for that Josh Devine. Maybe he will help her get over Harry.

(A/N yay we have the girls outfits for Formal!!! Wahoo!! Lol! Oh and trust the boys will look just as good!! Xx)

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