Chapter Thirty-Four

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Nicole’s POV

It’s Wednesday and that means only two more days left of this horrid detention. It’s been so awkward between all of us. No one knows what to say and the tension isn’t dying down either. The fact that we all have at least one class together sure as hell doesn’t help with the ‘needing time apart’ deal either. I lay my head on the table in the library and tap my fingernails. The silence is literally unbearable. I think I might go mad. I don’t know why but I stand up quickly gaining the attention of my once closest friends.

“Let’s play a game!” Everyone looks at me with the same faces all reading ‘what the hell is this girl talking about?’ and I just smile rocking back and forth on my heels.

“Well what game do you want to play?” Niall finally speaks and I shrug my shoulders. I hadn’t really thought that far in this spur of the moment idea.

“We could play hidden secrets.” Megan mumbles and I nod even though I have no idea what the game entitles.

“The fuck is that?” Janelle asks trying to hide her excitement in her harsh tone.

“Well basically we all write a secret on a slip of paper and put it in a...” Megan trails off standing up and walking over to Niall. He looks at her confused and she takes his snapback.

“Hey!” He tries to snatch his hat back but Megan keeps it suspended in the air.

“We put the slips of paper in a hat. Then we go around and pick up a random slip and read it out loud and have to guess who the secret belongs to. And once we find out who the secret belongs to they have to tell the story behind it.”

“So it’s like truth or dare, but minus the dare part.” Zayn speaks this time and Megan nods.

“Alright then. Let’s start.” Harry claps his hands together.

We all pull out sheets of paper and begin writing our secrets on them. I decide to keep my vague. For some reason I feel nervous about this. What if they look at me like everyone else does when they find out? I shake my head trying to wipe the memories and fears that are invading my mind. I look up and see everyone is done. Megan drops her slip in first, still holding Niall’s hat and walks around to each of us. We then get up and sit in a circle on the floor. I’m in between Zayn and Megan. Next to Zayn is Niall, then Harry, then Janelle. I smile and the hat is passed around. Megs goes first and pulls out a slip of paper.

“I was always the victim but then I decided to turn the tables.” Megan scans the room to see which one of us it could be. From the corner of my eye I see Zayn tense up. And I’m guessing so did Megan. “Zayn?”

Janelle’s POV

“Zayn?” I feel my heart drop when I see Zayn nod his head. He never told me his past, but I guess I never really asked before.

“What happened?” I whisper never breaking my gaze from Zayn.

“I used to get bullied a lot in school. I never really fit in much and so I was always an easy target. No one ever liked me. I used to think there was something wrong with me. Like I was some kind of ‘freak’ as the bullies would say. One day I was walking home and a few kids from my class thought it would be funny to jump me in the street. It was three against one. Yeah fair fight right?” He scoffs but I know he is trying to hold back tears. “Anyway the leader got me good. When I thought I was going to pass out his two friends stopped him and they left me in the street. I went to school the next week and found the punks. I was really tired of their shit so I punched Alan, that was the pack leaders name, right in the face. I kept going until his face was as bloodied up as he always left mine. Some teacher pulled me off and I hit him too. I got expelled and my parents shipped me here thinking it would be best for me and my bad ways.”

“I’m... I’m sorry Zayn.” I speak breaking the silence.

“It’s not like you knew me back then. After the fight I got dubbed the towns bad boy and it’s stuck this entire time. I don’t like fighting but it’s what I’ve had to do my entire life. So I guess that’s my story.”

“Zayn I’m sorry. For how I treated you. I’m so sorry.” I feel a few tears escape my eyes.

“Nell I forgive you. You know I will always forgive you and love you. No matter how upset you make me. Okay?”

“I love you too.” I smile and he does the same.

“Now it’s my turn right Megan?”

“Ye... Yeah. Uh here.” Megan passes Zayn the hat and he pulls out a slip of paper.

“Someone was hurting me, so I hurt them back?” Zayn didn’t even have to guess twice and neither did I. The way Nicole tensed up obviously showed that it was her. “Nic?”

Niall’s POV

“Nic?” My eyes quickly land on Nicole and she is staring at her hands before she answers.

“Yeah. That’s uh my slip.” She mumbles lowly. I can tell she’s uncomfortable.

“Babe? Who hurt you?” She looks up at me and I see the tears welling up in her eyes.

“Megan do you remember that story I told you before. About me running over my best friends boyfriend?” She looks at Megan and Megan nods. “Well I lied. He was my boyfriend. We had been dating for almost two years and I really loved him, but our relationship was shit. He would hit me. He would do it but stay and try to console me afterwards. The first time he did he was drunk and I didn’t think much of it. But then it started happening more and more and he slammed my head into a brick wall too hard and put me in a coma for three weeks. I wasn’t even mad that he put me there. It was the fact that he wasn’t there when I woke up. I asked the nurses and they said he never showed up. When I went back to school I saw him in the parking lot and all the times he hit me just came rushing back to me and I ran him over. Because of his violent history I didn’t have to serve any jail time. My mom thought it would be good for me to get away from the ‘problem’ and sent me here.” Nicole wipes her tears away and takes the hat from Zayn.

“Babe?” I whisper and she looks up at me. I give her a weary smile and she tries her hardest to return it. “I love you.”

“I love you too Niall. I’m sorry for yelling at you at the dance and saying I hate you. I could never hate you. You’re my special snowflake.” I feel the blush creep up to my cheeks at her nickname for me. “Ok Z, I think it’s my turn.” She shuffles the hat a little and chooses her slip of paper. “I had everything I wanted, but not what I needed.” She re-reads the slip to her self before turning her gaze to Megan who has shifted uncomfortably from left to right. “Megs?”

Harry’s POV

“Megs?” I hear Nicole speak lowly her eyes never leaving Megan’s face.

“Yeah you guessed right.” She gives a forced laugh and smile that we can all read through.

“Well what’s your story?” I ask her giving her my best smile to help comfort her.

“My uh my parents hate me.” She begins crying lightly. “I know my story isn’t as big as the rest of yours but it is what it is. My parents never wanted me. My mother was a big CEO of a company and my father a family court lawyer. Ironic seeing as having a baby was in neither of their future goals. My mom was going to get rid of me. Like have an abortion but it was too late. No hospital would do it. They even considered giving me up for adoption, but with my fathers profession it would be frowned upon by his associates. So they kept me. And made my life a living hell. Everyday they would remind me how I was their biggest mistake. How if they could they would get rid of me in a heartbeat. I decided to make it easier for them and run away. I was almost at the trainstation when I got pulled over. Yeah they called the cops on me. They hate me but care enough to make sure I didn’t get too far from them. Would hate to destroy their perfect reputations. Me running was the best decision of my life. My parents were just so tired of my ‘reckless behavior’ and sent me here as fast as they could. I haven’t spoken to them since and I don’t plan on it ever.” She keeps crying and I move from my spot on the floor and sit behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.

“It’s ok. You don’t have to see them ever again. They won’t hurt you anymore. I promise.” I whisper in her ear and she nods. “Love you.”

“Love you too Haz.” She whispers lightly so only I could hear. “Okay well I chose first so I guess I can choose again or...”

“I want to!” Janelle takes the hat from Megan and we all laugh.

“Someone’s a little excited.” Nicole says and Janelle sticks her tongue out at her.

“Ok. The one I was trying to protect sent me here for my protection.” Nell’s eyes land right on Niall who is avoiding her gaze. “Nialler?”

Nicole’s POV

“Nialler?” I look at Niall and see his face is bright red. I forgot I’m the only one that knows his story.

“That’s my slip.” He rubs the back of his neck.

“Hey.” I speak and he looks up at me. I give him a smile and he returns it. “You can tell them. No one will judge you. Okay.” He nods and turns to everyone else who all nod.

“My father died a few years ago. My mother ended up getting remarried. He was a good guy at first, but then he lost his job and gained a drinking problem. He would come home almost every night piss drunk and wail on my mother. At the time my brother had moved out and it was just me in the house. I would hear my mother screaming from the living room. Every night. Sometimes I would egg him on. Just get him mad early in the night so he would take it all out on me and leave her alone. Some nights it would work and I would get a few punches to the face and a couple stomps in the stomach. By the time he was finished with me he was worn out and would leave my mum alone. That’s all I wanted. Was for her to be safe. One night I got him good and he used a baseball bat. That was my last night in my house. The next day my mother sent me here. She said that she wanted me to be safe and the only way I could be was if I was here.” He wipes the silent tears from his eyes but they keep coming.

“Niall I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit Harry like that in front of you. God Niall I’m so stupid.” Zayn speaks while pulling Niall in for a hug.

“It’s ok Zayn. You didn’t know. The only person I told was Nicole.” They break from the hug and Niall takes his hat and pulls out the slip. “ I had to make a choice. Either let it happen or put it to an end.” I see Harry’s grip tighten slightly on Megan and her rub mini circles on his hands. “Harry?”



“I wrote it.” He sighs ruffling his curls.

“What did you have to put an end to Harry?” Nicole asks with pure concern in her voice.

“Like Niall I had an abusive step father. But he wouldn’t beat me. He got his kicks from sneaking into my older sisters room late at night when my mum was asleep. I would hear him and her crying every night. I tried to tell my mum but she didn’t believe me. She thought I was having a hard time ‘adjusting’ to my new life. I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and got into some trouble but not enough to get the law involved. My mom once again assumed it was because I wanted to rebel. When my sister finally left for Uni I couldn’t have been more happy. She needed to get away from him. One week she came back to visit. I saw the way he looked at her. Like she was the only thing he wanted. Even though he had my mother. When my mum got up from the dinner table one night he slipped his hand on Gemma’s leg. I snapped. I got out of my seat quickly and practically ran to the other side punching him in the face. He fell out the chair before lunging toward me. Fist were thrown for almost five minutes before my mum came back and saw the scene. I had my disgusting step father pinned down and was constantly hitting him for hurting my sister. I wanted him to feel the pain she felt and so I kept hitting him until my mum finally pulled my off. I almost hit her. My rage almost got the best of me and my fist was inches away from her face. That night she told me to pack my things and she sent me here bright and early the next morning.” I see everyone’s mouths wide open.

They were not expecting that and neither was I. Harry never told me his story and I never told him mine. Now everything makes sense. Why he is always over protective and hated Louis. He was just trying to help his big sister. I lean my head in the crook of Harry’s neck leaving a light kiss.

“I love you Harry. And I’ll never hurt you like that. Okay?” He nods his eyes avoiding my gaze obviously still in his memory.

“So it’s my turn.” He grabs the last slip from the hat. “I never really had a home and the one place that I thought could be shipped me here.” His eyes meet Janelle’s and an apologetic look sweeps over his face. “Nell.”

Zayn’s POV

“Nell.” I look at Janelle and she just nods not wanting to get into the extra conversation before the confession.

“I don’t know my biological parents. I guess my mum couldn’t handle having a baby so she left me at a police station. So classy right? I was passed around in foster care throughout my whole life. Each family was the same. The only reason why they wanted me was because they gained a check every month that they would spend on themselves. I went through most of my life feeling worthless. One of my foster homes made sure I felt like that everyday by saying it to me. They called me a ‘worthless piece of shit that didn’t deserve to live’. That’s the night I tried to kill myself.” She immediately looks away from all of us and down at her feet. “I was close but the bastard found me and took me to the hospital in time before I could bleed out. I carved worthless into my arms and legs adding a few extra tick marks just for the hell of it. Sadly that was the only way I could feel anything. I was removed from that home and sent to a better one. This couple was actually amazing. They treated me well and even got me help with my cutting. I actually felt loved when I was with them, but like everything in my life it turned to shit. The husband got a job in the states and had to leave for a little while. They didn’t want me moving around a lot anymore because it could ‘trigger’ my past experience, so they sent me here.” Nell finishes her story and the entire room is silent.

I didn’t know any of this. She never told me. I understand why. It’s the same reason why I didn’t tell her about my past. Or why none of us told each other anything about our pasts. We were afraid. We had all been shipped here by the people that were supposed to love us unconditionally. We didn’t want each other to leave because of our history. We were all afraid of losing love once we finally gained it.

(A/N Soooooo this chapter was very very emotional!!! But all the truth had to finally come out! And yeah I’m going to leave it at that!! Xx)

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