The Beginning

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I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I remember their cloaks, like midnight, scattered with bright red clouds. As if it was a picture of some twisted dimension of a different world. I remember the looks on their faces as they slayed my parents.


My mom and dad lay on the ground, with slashes across their chests. Tears streamed down my face as I gazed at them. I knew that a wound that deep would be fatal to anyone. My dad laid, unmoving and I couldn't stiffle my sobs. There's no way this is happening. There is no way that this is happening to me.

Beside me was my mom who was still moving, if only ever so slightly. She looked at me, her bright green eyes, even at death, shining.

"(Y/N), carry on the Hanninzowa legacy. I know you will become a strong kunoichi. Trust your heart (Y/N) I know you will do great things," her hand shaking, she cupped my cheek.

Tears were falling down my face, landing on her body. "No...Mom...don't talk like that..." Please don't talk as if you're going to die...You can't!

Mom smiled sadly, "Don't try to take revenge (Y/N), you're such a sweet girl, don't let it ruin your life. I... love you..."

With those final words, her hands dropped from my face and fell limp at her side. "N-no, Mom..." I look over to my dad, where he was still unmoving and I knew he was in the same state as my mom. "Dad..."

The sadness in me started to warp. It began to change into another emotion. Anger overcame me. How dare they kill them. How dare they take away the things most precious to me! How dare those cloak-bearers do this to me.

I felt power surge through me, as my chakra flared out of control.  I felt as if I was reborn, chakra I have unfelt before, flowing through my body.

"Tsk, looks like we forgot to kill the girl." A voice sighed.

"We don't need to, it'll only be troublesome." The other replied.

They are the ones who did this to my parents.

They are the ones who will pay for this. 

"But, look at her, can't you feel this powerful chakra?"

I jerked my head to the voices behind me. It is dark, and I cannot see their faces, but all I can see is what they are wearing. I hear a gasp from the pair.

"...Is that... no way..."

"How does this girl have...that?"

"The last time I have this is from Pein-sama."


"Tsk, now this is more troublesome."

Rinnegan? What? What are they talking about?! Fury coursed through me. "STOP!"

They stopped conversing between themselves, and I could feel their surprise emitting from them.

"How dare you... how dare..." I say, my voice low and shaking.

The last thing I remember is a laugh and sudden pain coursing through my body, as I was knocked unconscious.


"Hey! (Y/N)! Are you paying attention to me?"

I am snapped back into reality, as a pair of arms shakes me. I look to see a boy with bright yellow hair and big blue eyes right in front of me. "(Y/N)?"

I sighed at the boy, "Hai, what do you need Naruto?"

"I said let's go to Ichiraku Ramen to celebrate our graduation from the academy! Iruka-sensei said he would treat me!" Naruto grabbed my hand and started to pull me through the streets of Konoha. After relaying those events from...that day...all I want to do is go back home and sleep. It's not like I have anyone to celebrate my graduation from the academy with. I live with my Grandma, Grandpa and my Uncle now, but my grandparents are probably asleep by now, and my Uncle is never home since he's always so busy.

I managed to release myself from Naruto's grip. "Naruto, if Iruka-sensei said he was going to treat you to ramen, why bring me?"

Naruto paused for a moment, "Well, I wanted to celebrate with you..." He scratched the back of his head as pink dusted his cheeks. "...and I know you won't be celebrating, so you shouldn't be all alone on a special occasion like this!"

My eyes widened slightly at his words. Of course he would realize that. Naruto was one of my closest friends, and he always was thinking of me. Even though he can be an idiot 99% of the time, he always knew how to cheer me up. "Weell," I begin, "If that's the case... let's go eat!" I grab Naruto's hand and lead him to Ichiraku's Ramen stand.


"And then I kicked the bad guys butt with my new super awesome jutsu!"

Naruto was telling me his version of how he managed to graduate the academy without passing the exams, which I knew he failed miserably at. Iruka-sensei was sitting next to him with an anime sweat drop the whole story. I giggled as Naruto finished. No doubt I believed it, but most of it was probably exaggerated. Iruka-sensei was the prime example of me realizing that.

"Nee, nee, Congrats Naruto," I said patting his back.

"Hai, you did great Naruto," Iruka-sensei agreed. "Both of you, I have no doubt will become great ninja!"

"Ah, arigato Iruka-sensei," I said, with a bright smile. "I will try my best to become the best kunoichi! Just like I promised my Mom I would!"

"Yes! (Y/N) will become the best kunoichi of Konoha, and I will become the Hokage! No doubt about it!" Naruto interrupted, as he slurped down his 23rd bowl of ramen. "Man! I'm full! Thanks a lot, Iruka-sensei!" Naruto jumped off his seat and stretched his arms, "Let's go home, (Y/N)!"

I laughed loudly, at the look on Iruka-sensei's face as he saw the bill for the food. "I swear this is the last time, I treat him to ramen..." I hear him say under his breath. I laughed aloud, "Thanks Iruka-sensei for the ramen! See you tomorrow!"

Naruto and I walked out of the booth and began to head back home. The streets of Konoha were silent at this time of night. "Say, (Y/N), I hope we're on the same squad together!" Naruto said, his blue eyes shining in the night.

"Hai, I hope so too!"

Naruto looked away, quickly, and I could have sworn his face was turning red. But why? I pushed that thought away, as we began to part on our own ways. Naruto waved bye as we went separate paths. He headed to his house as I headed to the Hanninzowa clan home.

The Hanninzowa clan is a part of the Noble families of Konoha. It is up there with the Uchiha and Hyuuga clan. Apparently, the Hanninzowa clan used to be the most powerful clan in Konoha, until some freak accident or what not happened, I can't remember exactly, but now the Hanninzowa clan consists of aristocrats and is partners with the Uchiha Police Force.

The Hanninzowa clan's living quarters are huge! Well, in my opinion they are, but maybe it's because I'm still a kid. Oh well. Even though it's big, it's pretty empty. Ever since that dreadful day, all I have is my Uncle that I live with and my grandparents. I love them, but they're parents.   

I run quietly to my room, since everyone is asleep. After successfully making it to my room, I changed into my pajamas, and I curl into my bed, hoping that tomorrow will be as good as today was.

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