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You and Aiha are in the Makami training grounds.

"Focus your chakra then preform the jutsu, imagine what your supposed to do. Once this has activated you can further your abilities of the sun."

Sweat drips down your forehead as you stand with your arms out. You then make a hand sign when almost sure you have it.

"Dawns Wrath Jutsu!!"

You wait but nothing happens. Your hands are supposed to light up a sunny gold.

Aiha sighs "It's more complicated than I thought

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Aiha sighs "It's more complicated than I thought. Alright let's continue."

The idea is to open Dawns Wrath gate by jutsu then learn the abilities like sun flare with a ball of sunfire that can be thrown from the hand onto an enemy even over long distances this abilitie causes massive burns and it usually takes down a target fast. The next is Raident Spear that gives you a spear of sunfire to inflict burning damage onto your foe once stabbed. Then there's Raident Sweep which makes a big explosion of sunfire where ever the caster wants it. The ability will cause blindness and cause sever burns on anyone in a radius of the attack. It's deadly. Then there's Time prisom the ability to stop time in a sphere that traps your enemies in time so their just frozen there. That's a different Jutsu all together though.

"My hands feel tingly Aiha Sensei."

Aiha examines your hands "Sorry kid, nothing yet. Keep trying."

Sighing you focus once more. "Dawns Wrath Jutsu!!"

Nothing. You groan frustrated.

"F/n try it without saying Jutsu."

You focus your chakra once more. "Dawns Wrath!!"

Suddenly you arms start glowing. You open your eyes with a smile but soon the glow fades.

"Aiha Sensei did you see that!! Something happened!!"

Aiha claps "something did happen. It didn't go as it should have though. This was due to poor chakra control. Let's continue with that."

You are good at Chakra contro, you always have been but this is on a whole different level for you. Half the day gone you feel light headed.

"Aiha Sensei I think we should stop for a while."

Aiha smiles softly at your sweaty form. "It's lunch time anyway. I packed us sandwiches."

You sigh happily for a well deserved brake.

"Yay.. I need some food in me before I can continue."

You and Aiha take a seat at the kitchen table, Aiha sets a sandwich infront of you. You waist no time and dig in.

"Do we have any chips?"

Aiha puts (your favorite chips) on the table.

"Yay~ what a blessing you are."

"Your doing well so I must reward you."

You look down. "I'm not doing well. I thought I'd catch on right away."

"This is a new jutsu f/n, you won't learn it in one day. Your doing a great job so far."

"I suppose.. I wonder what Kibas doing."

Aiha smiles softly "Probably working hard."

You touch the necklace he gave you.

"Probably so.."

"Alright hurry up and eat so you can get at it again."

"Yes Sensei.."

After lunch you and Aiha get back at it until it's dark.

"A-Almost.." you mumble as your hands start to glow. They glow a bright yellow then diminish.

You breathe heavily and groan.

"Dang it! Why is this so difficult!"

Aiha rests her hand on your shoulder "Patients f/n. This is entirely new to you. Your catching on though. How about we quit for tonight. Go for a walk to unwind."

You pout but nod. You silently make your way out of the Makami residence to roam the streets of the sand. Some Shops are closing except for a few bars. You look up at the moon.

"Hey there~" your eyes widen when a complete stranger wraps his arms around you.

"G-Get off!"

You get out of his grasp and back away from him. Your energy is low or you would have kicked him all the way across the village.

"Come on sweety don't be like that."

The man has to be 19 at least but you don't necessarily look your age either.

"Leave me be."

He reaches for you but before you can act sand wraps around your waist and your brought behind a familiar back side. The man stops when he sees your savior.

"G-Gaara." You mumble out with a blush.

"Nuh uh! Nope I didn't sign up for this. She's yours!" The man says and then takes off running.

Gaara looks behind him at you who's pressed against his back by his sand.

"I'd like put that guy away. did he touch you?"

You shake your head. "No, thank you for coming to my rescue Gaara. Im so low on energy from training I don't think I could've fought him off."

Gaara releases his hold on you although you somewhat miss his warmth.

"I see, I guess that would explain why you look so tired. I'll walk you to the inn. From then on get some rest."

You smile softly as he turns around to you.


You and Gaara walk in comfortable silence until you get to the inn entrance.

"I'll rescue you any time you know, although you rarely ever need to be rescued."

You let out a giggle "That much is true. Thank you again Gaara."

Gaara nods "Your welcome."

At that you part ways, you into the inn and him into the streets.

What a interesting night.

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