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(F/c) = Favorite Color

You woke up in a good mood today and there's a obvious pep in your step.

"I don't need you to walk me Aiha Sensei." You say to the bluenette who reads one of her necromancy books as she walks with you.

"I'm sadden you feel that way."

You look down at Kira who is keeping up with you. They don't allow dogs in school even ninja ones.

"Actually I'm glad your here. You can take Kira today. She wants to be out more ya know?"

Aiha pouts "of course that's the reason I'm here." She says sarcastically.

"It's a different site ya know? Your not reading that pervy book this time. Is that necromancy book good."

Aiha smiles sheepishly "icha is a romance not at all pervy. Well just a bit. As for the book I'm currently reading now it isn't a story or anything like that. Just information."

You nod taking in what she says. Kira barks.

You look down at her "Don't worry Aiha Sensei will take good care of you. At least you get to be out."

"She will probably drag me to the bookstore again. You know she put me on a leash right!?"

You smile "beggars can't be choosers Kira."

Not long from then you are infront of the school. You look around to see Naruto in his normal swing.

"Bye Aiha Sensei! Take good care of Kira!!" You quickly run off to where Naruto is. The boy looks down at the ground like it's the most interesting thing in the world, he doesn't notice your standing infront of him.

"Hey Naruto! Whatcha doing?"

Naruto looks up at you wide eye like you pulled him out of the trance.

"Oh f/n! Hey." He gives you his soft smile.

"You okay?" You look from him to the group of children infront of the school house.

"Yeah, Kiba Shikamaru and Choji are ignoring me like they usually do when we're at school so im just sitting here."

You nod "Well that's not very nice of them."

"It's fine they just don't want any trouble."

"Their your friends right?" You ask going behind him. You give him a suttle push.

"Yeah I guess. There's not like you though. You don't care what people think."

You frown "I-I wouldn't go that far. Im getting better at not caring in my opinion."

Naruto suddenly stops the swing with his foot and stands up. "It's time to go inside. Are you coming?"

You look at the school building and see kids piling in.

"Yeah, let's go."

-Time skip-

It's lunch time and You
Naruto Kiba Shikamaru and Choji are eating lunch together at a round table.

"So F/n, what's your favorite color?" Kiba asks. You take a bite of your food and look at him.

"(F/c.) What about you?"

"Cool! I'm stuck between three colors. Grey, black and red." Kiba finish's his sentence with a smile. You look at Naruto.

"What's yours Naruto?"

Naruto looks at you with his mouth full "Hmh orange blue and yellow!"

You nod.

"We Keep it simple, right Shikamaru?" Choji eyes his friend.

"Right just one color. Mines green simple as that. Anything else is a drag."

Choji raises his chopstick "mines red."

You smile at the boys "Those are all great colors."

You turn your attention back to your dumplings that Aiha took the time to cook you.

"H-Hey guys we are friends right?" You sheepishly look between them they all nod.

"Your sitting at our table aren't ya?" Choji says stuffing his mouth.

Hearing this you blush and feel a flutter of warmth in your chest.


You let out a giggle

"Kira I've made friends!"

Kira chuckles "Congratulations. See if you can keep them."

You know they don't know what you are but you don't care since they consider you their friend. Despite Kira your still you and that's what they like is you.

School continued and now you are all in the classroom.

"Alright today we are creating shadow clones. I'll call you up one by one. We have studied this so most of you should have no problem, I hope. Let's begin."

The students in the room mummer amongst them selfs as Iruka-Sensei picks up his clip board.

"First is Sasuke Uchiha."

You frown as the girls in the room squeal.

"How annoying."

Sasuke gets up his from his seat beside Kiba and walks to the front.

Naturally Sasuke gets right to it and succeeds. You sigh when the girls squeal again. You for one are not a fan of the Uchiha, it's not like you dislike him but you are not crushing on him like the rest of the girls.

"Alright next is Sakura Haruno."

You quickly toon everything out as more people are called upon until Naruto is called.

Naruto makes the hand signs and you are on the edge of your seat in hopes of something great.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

Naruto creates a shadow clone but it looks sickly and not done right. You sigh as the whole class laughs at him. Frown you slam your hand down on your desk.

"It's not funny!!" You say sticking up for your friend.

Some eyes turn to you and other students continue to laugh.

"Alright Alright! Settle down, F/n Makami you are next."

As you walk to the front you see all eyes on you and there are of course critics.

"I bet she can't do it.." one of your bullies say.

When you get to the front you glare at your bully.

"I'll show you."

"Go ahead F/n." Iruka says you nod.

You do the hand sign "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

With a poof 11 shadow clones fill the front of the room. Your bully gapes at you as the rest of the class stares amazed.

"Impressive 11? Very Good F/n! You may sit back down."

Your clones disappear and you begin your journey back to your seat. You smirk knowing you shut up your bully.

"That was amazing! I can only make Three at most." Sakura says making you smile. You can't help but like the attention.

"I didn't even have to use Kira this time."

Puppy Love. A Kiba x Reader. Where stories live. Discover now