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Doesn't line up, sorry

Today is the start of the chunin exams and you and your team just arived at the building.

"Lee!!" You wave spotting your friend.

Lee turns around

"My lovely lotus f/n, greetings." He bows.

"Lovely Lotus?" Kiba asks. Your team looks at you.

"Shut it Kiba."

Suddenly Lees pupils get big. You follow the direction he's looking to see Sakura.

"What a beautiful flower..I WILL PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE!"

You sigh "Good luck with that Lee, we're heading in."

"Don't be jealous my love my hearts big enough for two!!!! I will protect you both with my life!" Lee blows you a kiss. Kiba rolls his eyes.

"Right.. we're going." Kiba ushers you farward.

Once your in the waiting room you all feel intimidated. Well almost all of you.

"You think they'd give up a bigger room for all the contestants." You say looking around the tense room.

Suddenly your pushed farward by Naruto and his team.


You cover your ears.

"Naruto!! Not so loud!!" You scold. The crowd suddenly feels cramper and dangerous.

"You become hokage!!? Not a chance I'm going to be the best and be hokage!!!!" Kiba thumps Naruto's forehead.

"Sasuke-Kun I missed you!!" Ino says wrapping her arms around Sasuke from behind. He looks completely annoyed as does sakura.

You look around the room feeling how tense it's becoming.

"Dang.. hey guys check the room.."

They ignored you until a grey haired boy steps farward pushing up his glasses.

"She's right, your making targets of your selves."

He sends you a wink.

"Who are you?" You ask

"I'm Kabuto.. and your?"

"F/n Makami, what's up with the cards?"

He shuffles cards through his hands.

"They tell me important information about each person here. Just give me a name."

Sasuke steps farward "Gaara of the sand."

You watch as he lays the cards out.

"The biggest thing is he's never been injured. He's gone on A class missions without injury."

You look at the cards "do me."

Kabuto looks at you "excuse me?"

"F/n Makami."

"Your aware I could give away your secrets."

You smirk "I'm not worried."

This makes Gaaras lip tug into a smirk.

"Alright then. Let's see."

Kabuto s eyes widen "That's odd.. I don't have anything really on you. Except your the granddaughter of the third hokage and the pupil of the necromancer Aiha of Feathers. You graduated the academy at the top of class. Your ability's I don't have on file.

"That is odd..and Aiha of feathers? I'll ask her later.." you mumble.

"That's so cool!! So you could give away anyone here! Hehe what about—those guys?" Naruto asks looking at the sound village people.

"Let's see.. theres nothing special here."

Suddenly the biggest member steps up infront of Kabuto.

"Excuse me? Why don't you just shut up and quit playing games."

"Playing games? The cards don't lie. Your just not interesting."

You sigh and look at your nails minding your old business until Suddenly Kabuto doubles over his glasses cracked.

"Kabuto!!!" You run to him.

"What did you do!?!" Naruto asks. You notice Kabutos ears bleeding.

"Kabuto can you hear me?"

He doesn't say anything. "Alright hold still."

You put both of your hands over his ears then with your white glowing hands you heal his ear drum.

"There, is that better."

Kabuto looks at you surprised as does the one who attacked Kabuto.

"Thank you, what amazing healing abilities."

"Your welcome."

Whispers fill the room of a medical ninja taking the exams. You realize they are talking about you.

Genma walks into the room.

"Hey what's going on here! Fighting is forbidden, anyone fighting will be disqualified."

"No fighting here just a discussion." Kabuto says.

"Good, now if you will all follow me we will begin the written test."

And so it begins.

Puppy Love. A Kiba x Reader. Where stories live. Discover now