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You found that you liked Itachis torcher more than Hidans. He used you like a punching bag. The No clothing was some sort of turn on for the guy as he tourchered you. The marks he made were deep and your screams were like music to his ears. You weren't sure how long you have been there but the poked and prodding had to end Or atleast you hopes.

"You heal and the fun continues~ do you like what I do to you? Your screams tell me everything."

You shiver as your blood pours down the front of you. Your wounds healed but your blood still remains there. Although Kira is multiplying your blood count as we speak it doesn't help the situation your in to much because you just want it to end.

You did get breaks however and even had meals being brought to you. At first it was Konan feeding it to you then it was surenges down your throat when you refused to eat. They wanted you alive so you could join them but you want no part and for some reason they think the treatment your getting will change your mind.

Where ever you are it's in a cave and you assume your farther out then you thought due to Kira's tardiness.

Days went by then so did months. Things just became blurry to you.

Why haven't they found you?

Are they even looking?

Why is Kira so silent? Is it these chains??

Are you truly alone?

Hidan has left you after a good tourcher session your left all alone listening to the water drip from the stalactites. Kira's eyes have never left yours and you would be lying if you said it hasn't drained you. You just can't risk it.

You look around then at the stupid chains that bind you.

"Dang it Kira!! Hear me!!"

We are getting close

Hearing Kira for the first time in a long time was like music to your ears.

Kira!!! They have me in some sort of cave!

Im sorry I was away, I had to focus on your location.

Your coming right Kira!?

Happy tears leave your eyes. Finally after all this time.

Your eyes narrow at the entrance of the cave when you hear footsteps.

"No not him again"

Pain was worse then Hidan. You heart quickens when his footsteps stop and it sounds like he turns around. You recognize his chakra anywhere.

You let out a shaky breath.

The only ones who haven't torchered you have been Konan and Tobi if anything their on your half decent list.

You felt yourself dozing off but by the time you did you felt a familiar chakra sorse.



When you opened your eyes you found yourself in a hospital room. Your body felt weak from malnourishment. You look around without Kira's eyes to see Aiha in the chair to the left and see Kiba and Akamaru to the chair in the right.

You let out a muffled sob.

This awakened Kiba. He quickly stands up and makes his way to you. The first thing he does is hug you with another sob you hug him back. You let all your tears fall as you hug your boyfriend tightly. You even hear a few sniffles from him.

"It was endless tourcher!! Kiba it was so bad Ahaa!!"

You cling into your boyfriend, Kiba feels emense anger for what they did to you. He kisses the side of your face as you pull back.

"Your okay now. Your safe.  I won't let anything happen to you ever again." Kiba wipes your tears away with his thumb he then stops his hand on your cheek. You place your hand on his and lean in planting a kiss on his lips. You two stay like that for some time until Aiha shifts in her seat. You look to see she's awake.

"Aiha Sensei."

She looks between the two of you. Akamaru comes to you jumping in you giving you kisses.

"I missed you two."

"I'm sorry we took so long. The more they touchered you the weaker your chakra became."

You smile softly petting Akamaru.

"I just knew you would find me.. I had to just hold on."

Kiba tucks a hair behind your ear. "they kept you alive? Why?"

"They wanted my abilities which they couldn't have without me. Their plan was to torcher me until I complied."

Aiha frown and Kiba rubs the back of your hand in his.

"That's a desperate method."

You nod "Until you live it you realize just how likely it will work. If It was somone else they would have complied with their desperate measures."

"The hokage will want to speak with you once your released. I'm sorry to say your going to have to re live every moment."

"I don't have much information. I know their after the Tailed beasts. Jinchuriki. Naruto could be in danger!!!"

You try to get out of bed only to fall into Kibas arms.

"Your still to weak to move."

You look at Aiha.

"I understand I'll go see lady Hokage and tell her what you discovered. She will probably come by her self."

You watch as Aiha leaves the room. You turn your attention to Kiba who looks at you worried. Akamaru sits at his feet.

"I thought I lost you.. The woman I love.."

Your eyes widen and you blush. "Y-you love me?"

He takes your hand in his. "With all my heart, that sounded corny but it's true."

You laugh "Then call me corny to because I love you with all my heart too."

You and Kiba both start laughing. You lean into him.

"I'm glad to be home."

Puppy Love. A Kiba x Reader. Where stories live. Discover now