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"F/n! My Lovely Lotus!! I challenge you to a race!!"

You had just finished your tour around town with Kiba when Lee calls you over. Tenten Neji Sakura and Hinata are among the crew. You feel a pang in your heart seeing hinata. She waves at you. You leave Kibas side and walk to her giving her a hug.

"What do you say shall I do it?"

Hinata nods "I'm rooting for you."

Kiba looks at Rock Lee who is practically fawning over you.

"Alright Lee, race to where?"

Lee smirks "You have to keep up to find out. If I win you go on a date with me and if you win then the choice is yours!"

At this Kibas irch marks.

You place your finger to your chin "Alright then."

Kiba looks at you mouth open "You can't be serious?!"

You raise a brow "You afraid I'll lose?"

Kiba rubs the back of his head.

You squint your eyes at him.

"Alright time to prove you wrong Kiba."

You and rock Lee stand side by side. Tenten eyes you two.

"Tenten, call it." Lee says. Tenten Sighs.

"Get set.. GO!!"

You know lees fast he has always been fast but so are you and if not faster. You keep decent pace with him but on the final run around you find your self ahead of him. The results?

You Win.

Lee looks at you in astonishment.

"As expected from a lovely lotus. I really wanted that date too."

You smile and take Lees cheeked in your hands.

"Lee you must let me reward you for good effort. That's what I choose for winning."

Lee blushes but nods. You remove one of your hands then plant a kiss on lee's cheek. Lee turns red but soon his eyes blaze with fire like a blaze has been started.


You step back and watch as he runs off fully powered.

"Not what I thought would happen but okay."

"How come Lee gets a kiss.." Kiba mumbles you sigh then kiss Kibas cheek too. Kiba turns red.

"I don't know who's worse with blushing, you or Hinata."

You leave reuniting with your friends for later as you walk to your home. Once you get there however you get a surprise.

"Konahamaru!! Look at you your so big!"

Your little cousin blush's as you squish his face into your chest.

"Let me go this isn't how I want to die!!!"

Giggling you let him go. He gasps for air.

"I.. I heard you were back.. looks like it's true."

You smile and rub his head "Your almost as tall as me now. Just a few more years."

He eyes Kira ignoring the nostalgia comments

"Kira's big now! How cool. I want a ninja pup!"

You laugh "Right, do you want to come in or?" You point to your door.

"No, I'm on a search for Naruto nii. I have a new jutsu to show him. Well it's his jutsu but still."

You nod and unlock your door

"Oh, well none the less I need to dust anyway."

Konahamaru gives you one last hug then runs away. When you get inside you notice dust everywhere. Your apartment looks unlived in which is what happens when your away for 4 years.

Kira trots inside and looks at her small bed in the corner. She wines.

"I know, you'll need a bigger bed. I mean you could sleep on the floor but your a diva and divas don't sleep on floors."

Was that a jab at me? I'll squash you!

You sigh as you open a window.

"I just wanted to hang out with Kiba and my other friends.. stupid dirty home."

You handled things well back there

"What do you mean?"

Your mate liking another girl. You kept your composure quiet well

You look down. "I-Oh.. well it hurt pretty deeply. I basically got rejected. Hinata loves Naruto and there's no changing that. Kibas only chasing his tail with her. As for us he would have already caught his tail."

Let him figure it all out for himself.

"H-He's gotten so attractive.. it's like I've imprinted all over again."

Speaking of whome

A knock comes from the door. You blink twice then go to answer it. You open the door to find Kiba and Akamaru.

"I didn't think you wanted to be alone. Not truly."

You look around "it's rather dirty in here. After all I haven't been here in 4 years."

Kiba steps inside anyway. As does Akamaru.

"I invited a couple more people, they will swing by later. For now it's just us."

You nod. "I see.. so what did you learn these past few years?"

Kiba goes on about his skill improvement and the teams cool missions. You smile and nod at his excitement.

Oh how I missed him.

"So what about you?"

You tell him every detail about your training and even your final jutsu.

"You actually summed Kira?!? That's so cool!"

You nod "She's scary. Gaara even agrees."

At Gaaras name Kiba frowns

"So you and him have gotten close?"

You nod "Yes.. he became my best friend in Suna. Even though he's the Kazekage he still made time for me. He's sweet and even protective of me."

Kiba nods "so you were well taken care of.. how close were are you exactly? I mean in your letters you sounded pretty close."

You raise a brow "Kiba.. are you jealous perhaps?"

"N-No! Well maybe!"

You smile softly "All I could think of was you.."

Kibas eyes widen as he watches you cheeks flush

"O-Oh.. really?"

You nod "Yes.. I don't suppose we can start where we left off? I confessed and you didn't. I was wondering if I could still have that date you mentioned."

Kiba blushes and rubs his nose "well.. Sure. When should we do it?"

"I haven't had ramen in so long.."

Kiba surprises you by taking your hand.

"How about right now? Are you hungry?"

Your eyes light up "Yes I am. You really want to go on a date with me now?"

"Sure why not. Your beautiful and I'm ready so let's go. We have a few hours until our guests arive."

You squeeze his hand. "Okay, let's do it."


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