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The week goes on and you and your team pushed through many obstacles. At this moment the sun has gone down and you all are stopping for the night.

"Let's camp here." Kurenai says

"You know Kurenai Sensei I could let you all use my demention to rest. No one will disturb us."

Kiba looks at you mouth gaped. "You can do that?"

You nod looking at all of them "well yeah, it apart of my Kekkei genkai."

"You can put people in there?" Shino asks as he plays with a stick bug.

"I can. Only one I've ever showed it to us Aiha Sensei."

"Thank you f/n. That's very kind of you but I think we will do without. We should be fine here. There's plenty of cover."

You feel alittle defeated since you wanted to show off your skill but nod anyway.

"Okay let me know if you change your mind. I created day and night to match our relm. I also have lush green grass and a small woodland that I did recently. It's coming along great. I'm working on a stream or river with a waterfall. I don't have any wildlife yet. I'd have to relocate them from this world since I can't create anything with a living soul. I used many nature jutsus so the land isn't completely artificial."

Hinatas eyes light up "I'd like to see it honestly."

They team looks at Kurenai.

She looks between them then sighs. "Will it drain your energy and chakra?"

You shake your head "no it won't take any chakra. It's a gift originally for hiding from a enemy but can be used in various ways. I'm trying to make a small relm that is comfortable for you all incase we need to be stealthy. The relm won't interfere with the real world. People can walk through it and not notice in the relm from the real world. It also conceals your chakra from the sensory types. I can also take away the back drop and things I made to a transparent background so we can keep eyes of our surroundings in the real world. I've worked very hard on this place."

Kurenai rubs her chin. "It seems so. That's amazing f/n. Who knew the Makami clan could have such a gift."

You smile "I'm the last of my clan but Aiha is a great teacher. She brings me things to study from my clan although I don't know where she gets the stuff. Lots of studying took my time over the years."

"So can we see or not?" Kiba asks.

Kurenai smiles "If f/n's really up for it."

You nod "Just give me one moment. You turn around and move your hand in a vertical slicing movement, instantly a rift appears bright and shiny. You open it with both hands.

"Alright, just walk in."

Kurenai steps forward examining the portal. "You didn't make a hand sign.. that's impressive."

"Thank you."

Kiba walks up and hesitates at first sticking his arm in the see it not show up on the other side.

"Woah trippy. It doesn't feel weird like I thought it would."

You nod "Go on everyone, check it out."

One by one they pile in. You are last and once inside you close the rift. You turn around to see the team looking around amazed.

"The fresh air is refreshing. It's beautiful here. This is truly amazing." Kurenai says looking around.

You point to your left down a hill "as you can see I'm still creating the river. I'm also using a jutsu for that too. Most things created here have required a jutsu even the trees. I can use a jutsu with my creating skill to create it how I wish. The river is half way done and that's why it looks that way."

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