Ch. 47

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Days went by of training and nothing until..

"Aiha Sensei! Look their glowing continuesly!"

You examine your hand and arms as they glow.

"Brilliant! F/n aim for that dummy, use Sunflare."

You look at the dummy and hold you hand infront of you, a gold firey orb appears in your palm. "Sunflare!" You grasp it like a softball then chunk it at the dummy. The dummy combusts into flames throwing you back.

Before the fire gets out of hand Aiha uses a water style jutsu to put it out.

"You did it! We need somewhere else to test the rest of your abilities. It's very dangerous in the desert but we might have to train there."

"If only Gaara could help me train. Do you think they will let us use their training grounds? Isn't it bigger?"

"Your abilities will destroy things so perhaps we venture out some. I'll ask around."

You snap your finger making a firey spark "why don't we train in my demention?!"

Aiha gasps at that idea "Oh yes that would work!"

You giggle "but first I have to show Gaara my demention before we screw it up. So tomorrow?"

You and Gaara got busy and your never got to show him your relm.

"You and Gaara Eh?~"

You pout "again Sensei stop it."

"I think we should get as much training done as we can. Let's start now."

You sigh defeated. "Okay, hey Aiha Sensei can I send a note to Kiba. He has to know where to send his notes."

Aiha nods "Make it quick."

After you do that you run back to Aiha and open up your demention.

"After you Sensei."

Aiha steps through then you close the entrance behind you. The lush green grass river and even waterfall makes it a serene atmosphere. You did really well on your demention.

"Can you create some dummies or do you want to use my necromancy?"

"Necromancy would probably be simpler. Unless you want to use shadow clones."

Aiha smiles "Wheres the fun in that. I'll create something big."

Aihas hands glow blue and a Large circle appears in the middle of the green grass with a blue light a enemy appears.

"W-What the heck is that!!?"

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"W-What the heck is that!!?"

"It's a Flesh Colossus. I named it Tal, It's mostly made out of dead humans but I made it out of dead animals. It's from the book you helped me find. Isn't he something."

You scrunch up your nose "He stinks really bad."

"Yes well he's perfect for a test dummy."

"Well Alright we will get started then." You do a hand sign. "Dawns Wrath!!"

You smile when you hands starts glowing. "Sunflare!" You form a fire ball in your hand then toss it to Tal. Once it hits him it combusts sending him to the ground with a thud. He lets out a loud wail as his skin burns from the sun fire. You wince at his painful cry feeling stlightly bad.

"His skin is melting off Aiha Sensei!"

Aiha raises her hands and applies more skin on his body by necromancy.

"He's fine. Next."Raident Spear. Use your spear to puncture Tal."

You frown looking at Tal. "I feel bad he's not even attacking me."

"I created him for this purpose but if you insist."

Aiha waves her hands in the air and suddenly Tal let's out a battle cry then starts to charge at you. You feel better about the situation and appear behind him, "Raident spear!"you imagine a sphere in your hand and it happens you then jab it over and over into Tal create deep burning wounds. Fire engulfs his wounds making them deeper and more painful. He doubles over. You turn to Aiha.

"What's next?"

"Raident sweep." You feel yourself getting tired by using just those two moves.

"Focus f/n.." you sigh but don't get a break long as Tal makes a charge for you.

"I forgot about him!!" You jump back and imagin a large sun flare hitting the ground where Tal is. "Raident Sweep!!" You hold out your hands and in a instant the ball of fire is were Tal stands. The rays are so powerful his skin starts to melt off his body. The cry he does is worse then the first one. The sweep continues twirling a ways outside of his body range that Aiha has to jump back. By the time it's through he's left in nothing but bones.

"T-That's powerful.. it took a lot out of me though." Your vision gets blurry.

The Raident sweep disappears. Aiha jumps down beside you catching you before you fall.

"Yes well it takes a decent amount of chakra. Your not entirely ready to use those abilities yet. You have to control certain points in your chakra for them so you don't get worn out. We will work on it."

You nod then look around, your lush green grass is now on fire. You raise your hands over the river bringing water to the burning grass. The flames subside, the water returns to the river and your ground is scorched.

"I'll have to fix that later. Right now I need to rest." Aiha helps you sit down. You sigh and lay back on the grass.

"At least we know I can do it."

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