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You and Aiha are now stand in the front gate of the Leaf.

"So their expecting us then?"

Aiha nods "They are aware. I have the paperwork with me as well. Don't worry I have everything taken care of."

You look down at the necklace Kiba gave you.

"He was supposed to say goodbye. They all were."

Just as you say that they arive along with Lee and Naruto.

"Tell Gaara hi for me f/n" Naruto says with a smile.

"I will, good luck on your training with Jiraiya."


You turn to Lee. "Lee I'm going to miss you."

Lee blushes "I will be here when you get back but I will be much stronger! However I will miss you as well." Lee starts to tear up. You smile and hug him he sighs happily and hugs you back.

"Hey where's my hug?" A small voice says behind hinata.

"Konahamaru.. you came to say goodbye?"

You leave Lee and wrap your arms around your cousin.

"Just wait F/n nii when you get back I'll be stronger too!"

You smile and rub the top of his head. "I don't doubt it."

"Oh good I made it." Kurenai says walking up to you with Asuma and Kakashi right behind her.

"Sensei! You came to say goodbye?"

Kurenai smiles "we did yes."

Asuma pulls you in for a hug. You and him aren't always close but he's still family and you love him.

"Do your best, keep Aiha in check."

Kakashi chuckles at Aihas pout. He steps farward and kisses her. Some smile but others bleck.

After the goodbye's are said you and Aiha head out.

"I'm really going to miss them."

"I know, everything will work out fine though."

You nod.

-4 days later.-

"What a trip! We're finally here."

The sand village is nothing special in fact it's all sand and bland.. nothing like the leaf.

You two stand at the gate with the gate keeps looking down at you.

Aiha smiles and holds up a scroll. You two both walk inside. Your stopped however by a guard.

"Leaf ninjas? Why are you here."

Before Aiha could answer a familiar face steps in.

"Let them through. They have a right to be here."

You smile apon seeing her


She smiles and stops infront of you. "F/n, Aiha welcome to sunagakure. Let me shower you to your destination. I'm guessing you have heard the news?"

You and Aiha look at each other. "No I don't think so." Aiha says.

"Ah well, Gaara is the new Kazekage."

Your eyes widen "R-Really? That's amazing. I did hear from Naruto that he knocked some since into him. More than I could on that faithful day."

"Yes, he considers both You and Naruto as his friends actually. He was happy to know you were coming."

"Happy?" You ask

"Yes he even cracked a smile."

"So do I call him Kazekage now or still Gaara.?"

"He can decide that for you." She tells you. As you walk through the streets you see many interesting things.

"It's so lively."

Tamari laughs "It's a village after all."

You all stop infront of a nice looking inn.

"This is the best comadayions we have. We originally wanted to house you both with us but the rooms aren't ready. We have taken care of everything. Now concerning the Makami residence Gaara—The Kazekage will show you that personally."

You clasp your hands together "I'll get to see Gaara? I mean the Kazekage??"

"He insisted. That's in a hour by the way."Temari says with a smile.

"I'll let you get settled into the inn."

You and Aiha walk inside and get your room keys. You then walk upstairs and into your joined rooms.

"This is actually quite nice." You say sitting on the bed.

Aiha pops her head in from the connecting door.


You smile softly and touch the back of your neck. Kira appears next to you.

"Gaara.. I wonder how he is.."

I bet you do, you had once told me you found him attractive.

"I-It's not like that Kira!"

Aiha hmms and pets Kira's head. "I do wonder what conversations you have with each other."

"I-It's nothing."

"Hmm really? Your blushing." Aiha gasps "Don't tell me you like Gaara.!"

You blush more "Y-You and Kira need to stop. I love Kiba..."

Aiha Gently pats your head. "Do you even know what love is at your age?"

You look down and smile. "I'd give anything to see him happy.. that's All I know."

Aiha sighs "Ah, Youth."

"Your sounding like Gai Sensei now."

Aiha nods "He's a wise man."

"Oh yeah what's with this nickname Aiha of feathers?"

Aiha blinks twice. "Well I'm fast and undetectable which makes me as light as a feather then there's the fact that I appear in a swirl of feathers. I didn't name myself that by the way."

Hmmm I'm not convinced


This book is strange but thanks for reading this far!!

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