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"F/n I think it's time we study rifts. Your on your way to graduating the academy and it will come in handy." Aiha eyes you as you eat your breakfast. You can't help but think you would like one morning without training.

"Aiha Sensei, that's not in moms book. How can I—"

Suddenly Aiha places a book on the table with your crest on it.

"The trip i recently took lead me to this."

You eye her suspiciously. "Where did you go to get this??"

"The sand. I'll take you sometime but not now, when your older."

You reach for the book that seems thicker than the one you already have.

"This won't be easy but if you study I'm sure you can master it."

You take it and open the first page "It's all hand written.."

Aiha nods "By the elders of your clan. I found this in your mothers home and thought it was about time you learned."

You turn the page and start reading.

Rifts are dementions in time that the Makami clan can only create. The secret to rifts are their users and the ability to imagine and create. This ability is not always passed down by Kekkei genkai but for those who posses it hold a ancient power held by the creator Gods which are the Makami ancestors. Each rift made is only accessible by the user no other Makami can alter it. It's very simple, if you posses the ability then you will learn how to control it gradually and use it in many different ways. This ability requires a due amount of imagination and patience.

You look up at Aiha "What if I don't possess this gift? What if I'm one of those who can't create rifts?"

"I have read the entire book and I'm confident I can help you through it. Your mother was a user of this ability."

You don't know that much about your mother, you know she's of the sand and that she was the last surviving member of your clan before she had you. Your clan was killed because of their abilities by a rival clan who ironically no longer exist. Your mother was Cursed like you and Kira once resided inside her but once you were born the curse transferred to you. This was repeated throughout generations past. Your very special and your ability's could condemn you if the enemy who ever that is found out and that includes finding out about Kira. Aiha has always mentioned that you can use Kira but you should be very carful so your not to draw to much attention. She had trained you in combat training to give you a alternative and your already very skilled in training. Kira's abilities come naturally compared to the others abilities you so call posses. You wonder if any other kids have to study and prepare this much.

"I have school Aiha-Sensei."

"After school we will study."

You sigh and walk to put your dishes in the sink. "Of course because I haven't studied enough."

Aiha smiles softly "Do you not want to get stronger?"

You turn to look at her "I do."

"Then you study and train to get stronger. Your already in the top of your class F/n. I'm very proud of you. Keep going."

You smile softly with you cheeks feeling hot from her compliment.

"T-Thank you. Do you really think I can competely control Kiras abilities and my Kekkei genkai?"

"F/n you have already come half way at controlling Kiras abilities. As for the rest time will tell."

You sigh "I should go. It's time for school."

"Chin up, everything will work out."

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