Ch. 14

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The four of you are out of breath except you are in better shape then them so it doesn't effect you much.

"That was good! F/n excelled in each challenge. You have amazing chakra control f/n."  Kurenai smiles.

"Ah, thank you. I have worked very hard."

"F/n excels in everything she does." Kiba says sitting down on the ground.

Kurenai places a hand in your shoulder "Yes, I heard from the academy. I'm very impressed. Aiha has done well with you."

"Aiha Sensei is all I've had since my arrival here as a baby. sure my grandpa but Aiha has been like my Sensei and care giver for as long as I remember."

"Did you not know your parents?" Kurenai asks with sympathy.

"My mother died not too long after child birth and my dad died on a mission and I only met him when I was 1 year old. I don't remember him though. My mother is from the sand and my father the leaf. Aiha has been my Gardian for a long time. She also knew my mother."

"Whoa your mother was from the sand?" Shino asks shocked.

"Yes, my grandfather is the third hokage here in the leaf. My family is weird.."

"W-What's it like being the granddaughter of the hokage?" Hinata asks.

"My dad was the eldest son of the hokage but that being said gramps keeps tabs on me and loves me but they mainly focus on konohamaru. He's a handful. He's also the poster child."

"He's a twirp." Kurenai mumbles

You laugh "That he is."

Kurenai sighs then claps her hand. "Alright get up it's time for more training."

-after training-

"Bye guys!" You wave to your friends and start your journey home. You look up at the sky to see it clear and blue.

"Training was rough.."

As you approach your home you frown seeing the lights on inside your home.

You check the door to see it's unlocked.

"When's f/n-nii going to be here?!" A familiar voice says on the other side.


You open the door to your apartment to see Konahamaru and Aiha sitting at your table. Konahamaru turns your direction. You frown at his bruised and beaten face.

"Konahamaru! What in the world happened?!"

Konahamaru climbs down from his chair and runs to hug you. You hold his small form against you.

"Did you get into a fight?" You look down at him. Konahamaru has tears in his eyes.

"They were talking bad about Naruto-nii!!"

You rub the top of his head and sigh.

"And you would rather not let Gramps find out about this fight?"

Konahamaru nods wiping his swollen eye of tears.

"Alright come here and I'll heal you." You pick Konahamaru up and place him in the chair he was once sat in.

"Aiha Sensei can you keep this a secret?" You look at her.

"I'm good at keeping secrets."

You smile softly "no doubt. Alright hold still Konahamaru."

You place both of your hands over his face and allow the white glow to do its job. 6 seconds later Konahamarus face is back to normal.

"There we go.. now smile for me!"

Konahamaru giggles and smiles his best smile even though he's missing a tooth.

"That's better. Now I'm guessing you lost this fight?"

Konahamarus smile faulters. "Yeah but I got a good swing in. There was two of them and they were like two years older than me."

You frown "that's not cool. To think they beat up a little kid!!"

"It's fine, they will get there's someday. As Iruka Sensei says." Konahamaru says looking down.

You smile softly and rub the top of his head. "Alright, let's get you back home. It will be dark soon."

"Gramp will want you to stop by and say hi." Konahamaru says jumping down from the chair.

You hmm "You don't think he will be busy?"

Aiha smiles then takes out Icha Icha Paradise and starts reading.

"He will probably be busy but he will make time for you, you two go ahead I'll be here."

You take Konahamarus hand "alright. I'll be back later."

The walk with Konahamaru was anything but quiet. He told you about school about how his friends and him played ninja and how he used his scarf like a mask making him look soo cool. By the time you reach his home Iruka-Sensei is there waiting.

"F/n, im glad he was with you. I was afraid he found trouble again."

"And I'm not trouble?"

"Just alittle bit."

Konahamaru clings to you not wanting you to leave.

"Sorry lil cuz I got to get going. I've got to go see the hokage remember?"

Konahamaru nods "oh alright. Love you be careful."

You giggle "I love you to and I will. Bye Iruka Sensei!"

"Bye f/n."

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