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-some weaks later-

"A escort mission!!!!?!!!?" You and your team mates say together.

Your Sensei has just revealed to your team that you all have been hired for a escort mission. A famous painter from the land of waterfalls needs a escort back home. Apparently the bodyguards he had before hand got sick and could no longer help him. So now it sits on you all to get him home.

"So we travel to the land of rain, get the guy then walk him back home to the land of waterfalls. That's a two week long trip at best." Kiba says rubbing his chin.

Kurenai nods "Maybe alittle less than two weeks."

You step up beside Kiba. Hinata and Shino stand together.

"So what do we know about this guy?"

Kurenai looks at the paper she's holding "well he's in his teens. He's 18 and his paintings are famous. He's a young artist in need of our help. I suppose he will have merchandise with him."

"H-Hes just a kid..." Hinata says with a surprise tone.

"A very successful kid, he's a millionaire or close to it. His paintings are highly priced." Kurenai tucks the peice of paper in her pocket.

Shino sighs and plays with a beetle in his palm.

"We were lucky to get this mission. I hope he's not a pain."

Everyone nods agreeing that that would be troubling.

Kurenai looks between all of you "Get your things we leave in a hour. Pack light unless F/n will let you use her pocket rift."

You smile "I don't mind. It's weightless so bring what you want."

"Your amazing you know that." Kiba says lightly punching your shoulder.

"I-I'm not really but thanks."

"So we can bring sleeping bags?" Hinata asks.

You nod "I can carry it in the rift so yes. Whatever you need to bring I can store it."

Leaving it at that you all split up and go home to prepare for your trip. You bring everything you think you will need then meet the others back at the meeting spot. Hinata Shino Kiba and Kurenai all have quite a few things in their hands but mainly sleeping bags. 

"Here give me your things and I'll put them in." You take Hinatas things first and place them in the rift. One by one you store everyone's things.

"Alright are we ready?"

Everyone nods to Kurenai.

"Alright let's head out."

The track wasn't as stimulus as it was wet the closer you got to the hidden rain. As you walk you play simple games to pass time. Eye spy and things of that nature.

"Oh did I tell you guys Aiha and Kakashi are getting married?!"

At this the four quit walking. You cover your mouth unsure if you had a right to tell them.

"W-WHAT?!" They all say together.

"T-that's wonderful. I always thought Kakashi was above such things but since it's Aiha it makes all the sense." Kurenai says with a soft smile.

You all start walking again. Kiba turns to look at you "Kakashi Sensei always seemed too distant and cool to get married. He always reads those Icha Icha books."

You giggle "One thing Aiha Sensei and him definitely have in common along with many other things."

"I-I think it's lovely"

"Of course you do Hinata, I do too." You smile at the girl.

Shino sighs "Marriage sounds depressing."

You laugh "Oh come on you can't deny one day you will want to spend the rest of your life with the one you love. I think it's beautiful and I'm for one up for it."

Kiba puts his hands behind his head and side glances at you. "I'd like to someday. I definitely want to be hokage so I might not have time."

You frown "Not have time for family? That's unacceptable. Even Gramps makes time."

"Well I don't know.. I got competition with Naruto on the spot for hokage."

"N-Naruto-Kun can definitely beat you to hokage." Hinata says blushing.

Kiba gapes at her "No way."

"I actually agree with Hinata. He's more driven than you Kiba." You give him a apologetic look.

"Of all people I thought you would believe in me f/n!"

"I-I do Kiba with all my heart. I want all your dreams to come true.. I want you happy." You blush and look to the side. Kiba blushes as he looks at you from a side glance.

"Y-You really didn't have to get so worked up about it.. thanks though."

Shino sighs "The two of you really need to get a grip and admit your feelings."

You and Kiba blow a fuse. Hinata frown at Shino. Shino said that as if it's the easiest thing to do.

"Quiet, I sense something."

Suddenly four people emerge from the bushes all are armed.

"Armed rouges this close to the village..?" You ask.

"Bandits.." Kurenai says taking out a Kunai.

"Hand over the valuables and we might let you live." Their leader says stepping farward. You unsheathe your katanas.

"We should probably do this without our weapons. Remember your training." Kurenai places her Kunai back and you put away your Katanas.

"As you can see we don't have any valuables on us!" Your Sensei says trying to reason with the bandits.

"She's right boss! They look to not be caring nuthin!"

"Let's kill 'em and find out." There boss replies.

The one to your right steps closer. "Boss these ain't no average strollers! Their ninjas! Look at the head bands!"

There boss squints his eyes and takes notice.

"So!? We used to be."

"Yeah boss but we were very bad at it!"

"There just kids how skilled can they be?"

You see Hinata activate her byakugan.

Soon they get tired of waiting and make a move to attack. You dodge the knife in their bosses hand as he swings it. Each time he misses. Kurenai quickly makes work of one of the bandits. You flip over the boss catching him off guard and knock him out. Hinata Kiba and Shino take on the rest and are soon through with them. The bandits sit tied up and knocked out.

Kiba frowns. "Stupid move on their part."

You smile "Smart move on ours using the pocket rift."

"You didn't waist anytime with that weakling f/n"

You giggle at Kira's remark.

No biggy

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