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-day of the Exam-

Today is the last exam and your chilling with Aiha below the stadium on the stairs.

"Why do you look so tired f/n." Aiha asks you.

Truth is you couldn't sleep last night or the night before that. Not only are you sleep deprived but you found your self meditating on and off in your spare time which drains you as it is.

"I'm fine Sensei. I'm ready for this. Grandpa is going to be soo proud if I win.."

Aiha pats your head "He's already proud of you I can guarantee you that."

You hear the crowd even though your down below.

"Wow.. there's a lot of people."

"Yes well, your up first and Your against Turi Satori. Now she's very skilled in weather jutsus.

"I see you got her covered." Kurenai says walking up to you both.

"Kurenai, I didn't mean to overstep."

Kurenai shakes her head "Don't worry you haven't. F/n is in good hands with you. I just came to say good luck."

"Thank you Kurenai Sensei."

The crowd gets louder. "Alright this is it, good luck."

You are ushered farward down a path of concrete walls. As the light gets brighter you find yourself swollowing hard. When you walk out into the open arena they crowd cheers more. You look adjacent from you to see Turi. Her blue eyes look everywhere but you.

Smart.. I can't take her over if she's not looking at me.

Genma jumps down between you two.

"Alright same rules as before if your down and unable to fight you lose. The winner is the last one standing. Ready?.... Okay then.. BEGIN."

You unsheathe your Katanas and blink  taking Kira's eyes.

"Don't think I'm going to fall for that! I won't make eye contact with you like Mina did!" Turi has her eyes closed half way.

You make the first move and disappear instantly this sets Turi on edge since your so fast. When you appear behind her it startels her but she dodges only to have her arm cut by your Katanas.

"I have other tricks up my sleeve, do you?" You say with a smirk.

Turi jumps back the takes the scythe off her back. Back and forth you charge eachother with medal clinking.

Turi jumps a ways from you and does a hand sign. Suddenly your surroundings get cloudy, this appears just over the arena above you. Thunder claps and you wonder if she's going to try to electrocute you. A rain drop hits the dry dirt then more fall. You dodge a lightning bolt, it leaves a crater In its strike.

Focusing on the lightning you don't see Turi coming your way. Her Scythe barley misses you slicing your nose. She smiles then frowns when she sees her mark she gave you heal away.

You look down at your Katanas "Not good."

Turi starts doing more hand signs. The rain pours now but you soon find out it's not normal rain.

"Aah!!" The rain slices your skin like shards of glass.

Your still aware and dodge another lighting bolt.

"Kira I need your help here!"

Kira's tails wrap around you shielding you from the incoming attack. You sigh in relief. Your wound's already start to heal.

Turi eyes you frustrated. You turn to the sky to see another lighting bolt coming. You throw your katanas into the air and head into the lightning bolt. It lets out a bright flash blinding Turi. You accumulate white chakra on your right hand which is stronger than your normal chakra. As Turi is blinded by the lighting you jump into the air above her. You pull your hand back and before she can act you punch her head. The sound of thunder claps again as the ground creators. Deep in the hole Turi lays non responsive. You stare at her body, her head bleeding. The clouds disappear and you sigh in relief. Genma hops down and checks Turi.

"Turi Satori is unable to battle, F/n Makami wins!"

The crowd cheers. You walk to where your katanas lay and pick them up. You watch as the medical team works on Turi as they move her out of the arena.

You put away your Katanas and look up at your grandpa. You could have sworn you saw him smile.

"Please head below F/n" Genma ushers you to the exit.

You wave at the crowd then step into the doorway leading down under the arena. Aiha meets you at the entrance.

"Aiha Sensei! Did you see that I—-" suddenly your vision blurres

Oh crap

You feel yourself fall farward, luckily Aiha was there to catch you. Your now out cold in her arms.

But none the less.. you WON.

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