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I don't know if I mentioned this but your 13 years old.

You didn't understand at first why that old woman wanted Yukinari gone, until now.

Yukinari has hit on you all the way out of the rain village. The fact that he's 18 and is hitting on a 13 year old is disturbing to say the least.

Kiba is acting more annoyed then you.

"You must let me paint you, your stunning."

You smile trying not to be rude. It's true you are stunning and your body is more mature than most girls your age. Your breast are big too. (Bigger than Hinatas) but that doesn't mean you are okay with all this attention.

"I'm not sure we will have time for that Yukinari-san." You tell him.

He gives you a wink "you can call me Yukinari dear."

You sigh "And you can call me F/n not dear."

Kiba smirks.

"Honey~" he coos.

You puff out your cheeks feeling defeated.

"Oh your even beautiful when you pout!!!" He says as he draws on a small canvas.

"Can you keep up if we ninja jump?" Kurenai asks. Yukinari nods "to a extent. I'm not that good at it. It requires concentration."

You all look at each other. "Let's do it then."

Maybe he will shut up and focus on jumping.

Your silent prayers were answered as you jump tree to tree Yukinari says nothing. 5 hours passed with little chatting, you all take breaks here and there but soon the sun starts going down.

"So are we using your rift again?" Kiba asks. You look at Yukinari who is doubled over trying to catch his breath.

"I don't want to sound stingy but I'd rather not take Yukinari in my realm unless I absolutely have to."

"We are to keep him safe F/n. Your realm is the safest place for him." Kurenai points out.

You sigh "Fine.." you turn around and drag you hand vertical through the air slicing it. You open it farther.

"Everyone in one at a time."

Yukinari walks towards you as your team piles in.

"We're going inside?!? Is it safe?!?"

You turn to him giving him a genuine smile. "Yes, very. Just walk through."

Yukinari eyes the bright slit in time and space. He tries to touch it but retracts his hand. You sigh then push him inside with force. He falls farward but lands on Shino. You sigh then step through. Once in you close the rift.

"Get off of me." Shino says practically squished.

Yukinari finds his balance "Sorry! How funny I squished the bug guy!"

Shino doesn't find this funny but you kind of do. Yukinari stops and takes his surroundings.

"Well this is different. Beautiful but different. Your very creative, I did catch that you created this place right?"

You nod "Yes, thanks for the compliment."

He nods "It's still kind of bland though.."

You raise a brow "excuse me?"

Your team looks between each other worried by your tone.

Yukinari throws up his hands "N-No offense although your feisty attitude is very attractive. It's just there's no life to it. No bird song or other life."

You sigh "That's because I haven't gotten to that part yet. When I have the time to catch animals and rehabilitate them I will.

He hmms taking his canvas from his bag "If I could just get you to sit here so I can finish drawing you. I'll then paint you."

"How about we just get some rest?" Kurenai says trying to change his actions. After all your getting fed up with him.

"Speaking of that do you mind if I paint you while your sleeping?"

Kiba balls his hands into a fist while you figure out how to word a decline to him.

"T-That's kind of creepy." You tell him

"Oh not at all!! It's art!!" He says dramatically

You look to your Sensei for help.

"I highly suggest sleep. We will be leaving early tomorrow. Let's eat our leftovers from last night and then go to bed."

"Oh food! What do we have?!" He asks clasping his hands together.

"Grilled tomatoes.."

His smile falters "no meat?"

Kiba puts his hand on Yukinaris shoulder "No meat."

You huff. It's going to be a long journey.

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