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Between training and his work you and Gaara rarely had time but for you he always seems to make time.  You both sit ontop of the Kazekage building.

"Tomorrow Aiha Sensei and I are going to go look for a safe place to summon Kira. When I get the hang of it will you come see?"

Gaara smiles softly "I'd definitely like to. How are you going to do it?"

"I don't know yet, Sensei will tell me I'm sure. So how's work?"

"Busy.. I love it though."

You smiles softly "I bet you do. Your a great Kazekage Gaara."

"Not many think so. I still haven't won the hearts of the villagers no mater how much I protect them."

You nod "Some people just need time. Eventually they will see the real you."

Gaara smiles softly "The real me that's not a monster?"

You nod "exactly! Your not a monster and their just afraid of the unknown."

"I'll do my job either way..."

You eye Gaara as he looks down and his hair blows in the slight breeze. He looks angelic not monsterous.

"One day they will see Gaara. One day they will know. As for now my friend keep it up, your a great  Kazekage."

"Your a amazing friend f/n.. thank you."

You smile sweetly "Your welcome. So are you. Have you had anymore nightmares?"

"You sing to me almost every night so no. I don't necessarily dream but I don't have nightmares. Your a blessing you know."

You blush at his compliment. "Well thank you, I'm glad my singing helps. You look better, not as tired."

Gaara looks at you. "I wish I could say the same thing about you. You always look great it's just Aiha must be working you hard."

You blush at his words "Y-Yeah? I mean training is getting tougher. I can handle it though. I have 3 more years here after all."

Gaara nods. "Do you miss your home."

You nod "I miss the people in it. However I'm not lonely here, after all I have you."

Gaara nods "Always will.. Hm..The sun is going down."

Gaara and you watch as the sun goes down over the sandy oasis.

"It's beautiful.." you say. Gaara looks at you.

"Yeah, it is.."

You and Gaara watch the sun go down then part ways. After a song of course. As you walk into the inn Aiha meets you at the door.

"That poor boy sure is smitten for you."

You blush "W-What? No he's not. Quit starting things Sensei. I'm tired so I'm going to shower then head to bed. We have a big day tomorrow."

You push passed her and head for your room. Once inside you look at yourself in the mirror. You look different than before when you first arived. You spot the necklace Kiba gave you around your neck. You touch the metal part and smile.

"I sure miss you Kiba.."

You turn your attention to your bathroom.

"Now for a shower.."

-the next day-

Aiha and you take off a decent ways away from the sand. However the farther you go the swirling the sand.

"This should do. I'll set up a barrier to keep the sand at ease."

Aiha does a few hands signs then a extremely large clear barrier surrounds you both it's a decent way out and up. The sand blows around it and everything is still inside it.

"Well that's handy.." you mumble out.

Aiha does another hand sign bring concrete above the sand for better stability.

"Now this is going to be the same concept as a summoning contract. However for Kira you will bite your thumb drawing blood then smear it on your curse mark. As for now I don't believe you will get this right away. In fact I believe it will take 3 years to fully master. However just incase I have built this large barrier."

You nod "What about chakra?"

"You will use Kira's chakra mixed with yours to summon her. This will also take time to be mastered and it will require a great deal of space."

You nod then look around "hence the extensive space."

"Until you can master Kira and Your chakra combined your surroundings may become unstable. I say we start. Let's begin."

You frown.

"What do I call this Jutsu?"

Aiha raises a brow "Summoning Jutsu?"

You smile "Summoning Jutsu: Kira!, how's that."

Aiha sighs "Let's just get started."

Puppy Love. A Kiba x Reader. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें