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Gaara kept his promise although it just so happened to be the end of the day. Your both inside the Makami residence.

"Apparently tomorrow I work on chakra control. I'm already skilled at it but for theses abilities it's a different ball game."

"Atleast you found what you were looking for.."

"Yes, I still wonder if there's more I could learn. Enough about me what about you? Your the Kazekage now!"

Gaara nods ".. yeah.. not everyone is excited."

You hmm "Because your a kid?"

"That and because of what I am."

You sigh "I understand that. In time they will change."

"H-How did you manage? Did people shun you too?"

You smile softly "well most people don't know what I am. My teammates do my grandpa did and I'm sure there's others out there who guessed it after the chunin exams but what I am is kept a secret for my own safety. Kira isn't a Tailed beast she's just a beast demon with 11 tails. She's similar though.. she knows all the tailed beasts. Unlike you and Shukaku Kira and I had a understanding from the start. She was passed along to me from my mother by birth."

"I see.. so you have a good life?"

You nod "I do.. im sure if everybody knew what I was it wouldn't be the case. I'd have the same luck as Naruto."

At Naruto's name Gaara smiles slightly

"I owe a lot to him.."

You smile softly and lean on the door frame.

"He sure changes people.. that I know."

Gaara nods

"Gaara do you ever get sleep? You always look tired."

He shakes his head "nightmares. Im usually up watching the moon."

You smile softly "I see. Shukaku doesn't allow you to get sleep?"

"It's not Shukaku entirely.. im just.. haunted by my past.."

You can't believe how different Gaara is since you last saw him. Not only is he good looking he's also changed as a person.

"I bet it's hard. On the other hand you have turned up a new leaf. Using your abilities for good to protect the sand.. that's amazing Gaara. I believed in you from the start.. somehow I knew.."

Gaara looks at you as you look down blushing slightly.

"T-Thank you... for.. believing in me.."

Your eyes widen when he steps farward taking your hand in his. This surprised you since you assumed he isn't the touchy feeling type.

"Your welcome." You say smiling at him"!he hesitantly let's go of your hand. The warmth of his hand leaving yours makes you kind of sad.

I already miss Kiba.

"I should probably get going.. Temari is probably wondering why I'm taking so long." Gaara places his hat back on his head.

"I bet you have a lot of responsibilities.."

Gaara nods "I do. I'll still make time for you though, but until then I'll see you."

He opens the door and looks back at you with a slight smile then leaves shutting the door behind him.

"Soooo~ you and the Kazekage huh?" Aiha says peeking around the corner. You blush at her accusation.

"I-It's not like that! Aiha Sensei were you watching us!???"

Puppy Love. A Kiba x Reader. Where stories live. Discover now