Ch. 52

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-3 years later-

You have finally mastered your summoning Jutsu and chakra control. Before you leave to head back home however you want to show Gaara.

"Okay stay right here it won't take long."

Gaara stands in the barrier Aiha made.

"Let's make this quick Gaara has things he needs to do f/n." Temari says with a smile. Kankuro stands beside her.

"Yes I know. I'll make it quick."

Aiha stands beside Gaara as you stand in the middle of the barrier.

You bite your thumb then rub your blood over your curse mark.

"Summoning Jutsu: Kira!"

With a huge puff Kira appears. Her tails move back and forth and her cute face is more monstrous. She growls as the smoke clears. You stand high ontop of Kira's head. Your audiences jaws drop. You spread out your arms.

"Right!!!??!! She's huge!!!! And scary!!!!"

You yell down at them. Kira growls.

"I'll take that as a compliment"

She says out loud.

"I-Incredible.." they all say together.

"Alright I'm putting you away. I'll let you out in familiar wolf form."

With a poof Kira disappears and you land beside Gaara.

"That was worth while." Kankuro says. Temari and Gaara nod.

"Isn't she great!!?"

"I'm amazed by your abilities." Gaara says. You smile.

You told me you would let me out

Sighing you touch you curse mark, Kira appears in dire wolf form beside you.

"She's much cuter in this form." Temari says petting Kira.

"Yeah, less threatening." Kankuro agrees.

You giggle and Kira howls.  "That's her true form. She's a Demon remember?"

Gaara smiles "so this means your training is complete and your heading back?"

You nod feeling slightly sad. "That's what it means."

"Come visit." Temari says. You smile.

"Of course."

"We should head back and get packed. After you Kazekage sama." Aiha smiles to Gaara.

As you all head back to the sand you are unaware your being watched, particularly you. You have peaked somones interest.

At the sand you pack all the books you need as well as things.

"I think I'm ready Aiha Sensei."

"Are you excited to see Kiba again?"

You blush "I-I am.. I'm ready to see everyone."

"I think that's all we need. Let's say our goodbyes."

At the gate Gaara Temari and Kankuro are waiting.

"You guys came to say goodbye?"

Gaara smiles softly "I'll miss you. It's been great having you here. Please come back."

You smile "To see you, always."

Gaara blushes softly. Temari steps up pulling you into a hug. You smile and hug her back.

"Come back to see me too.."

Kankuro is next to hug you "See ya pretty woman."

After your goodbyes you and Aiha head out.

"Do you think they remember that I'm coming home this year?"

Aiha laughs "I bet Kibas counting the days."

Kiba... finally I get to see him again. What will he think of me now. I'm more womanly. I wonder what he looks like.. I bet he's hot. I still love him very much..

"Your going to send the guys flying with arrows."

You raise a brow "pardon?"

"You know Cupid. They will fall at your feet."

You shake your head. "I only care about Kiba."

Aiha frowns you eye her suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

You instinctively grab the handle on your heavenly sword that's in its full form.

"I thought I sensed something but it's gone now."

You released the handle on your sword. "Anything we need to worry about?"

Aiha shakes her head "It's probably nothing."

Aiha is a high class ninja so if she doesn't think what she senses is a big deal then it's not a big deal.

It's a 3-4 day journey back to Konoha depending if you make good time. You noticed however the closer you got to home the more on edge Aiha seemed. Almost if she is doubting her judgement skills as a ninja.

"Let's camp in my demention for the night. There should be plenty of food to last us."

Aiha nods but looks around.

"Sensei are we being followed?"

Aiha looks at you.

"Not that I can tell. I just have a uneasy feeling. Like we are being stocked like a lion does a gazelle. It could be nothing and it's just new surroundings.. the sun is setting let's get inside your rift."

You open up your rift and Aiha let's you go in first then her. You close it once inside.

"Huh.." Aiha says looking around.

"What?" You ask

"Nothing i just don't have the same feelings here. It could be because your relm is comfortable."

You nod. "I considered making a house with beds and a kitchen.. I actually have one half made on the other side of those trees."

Aihas eyes widen. "Can I see?"

You nod. "I'm also working on a natural hot spring."

"Oh now your speaking my language."

"Okay this is it. It's not much but it's a cabin. It's empty though. We would do better to sleep in the grass." You arnt very proud of your new creation.

Aiha gasps and grabs your arm. "I-Is that?! It is isn't it?!"

You look the direction she's looking to the hotspring and waterfall.

Aiha claps "Can I try it out??"

You nod. "It's pretty great."

Aiha shrugs of her clothes then sits down in the nice hot pool. You two strip and get in. You both sigh.

"This feels so right.." Aiha mumbles. You smile.

"If you weren't married to Kakashi then you'd be married to hot springs."

Aiha giggles "I can't wait to see my husband."

You look at her "have you seen under his mask?"

Aiha nods "Of course I have, I'm his wife."

"So is he handsome?"

Aiha looks at you and nods "Beyond your wildest imagination. That's why he wears a mask. He doesn't like much attention."

"Your babies will be beautiful then.." you say making Aiha double take.

"Y-Yes they will."

You smile at your senseis bashfulness.

How cute..

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