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You and Aiha got approved to go on a mission for your Jonin rank. Aiha thought of something for you to do; She has every necromancy book you can think of Or atleast you thought. On this mission she will be bringing you through many tests. She's after a book called Necromancy of Oblivion and it's in a underground castle guarded by necromancer and beasts. This trip will take you both 3 and a half weeks to complete or so you assume, Aiha will be judging you closely.

"Is it really dangerous?" Konahamaru asks you.

"It is. But I've been training for this. Aiha Sensei uses necromancy on me a lot so I will be okay."

"Just be careful okay? I don't want to lose you too"

Frowning you pull Konahamaru in for a hug.

"I'll come back in one peice so don't you worry."

Before heading out you want to see your team.

"I'll be back Aiha Sensei , I need to find Hinata Shino and Kiba."

You quickly run out of your home and head for one place you know they will be.

Once you get to Team 8's training ground you see all your friends doing their own thing. Kiba spots you first.


"Hey guys, what's up?" You say looking between them.

"Just hanging out. So I heard you got your Jonin mission." Shino says placing a Beatle into a habitat.

You look at Kiba who rubs his nose. "I kinda told them."

You smile "it's fine."

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Hinata asks. You shake your head.

"Today actually."

They all look at you wide eyes "so soon?" Kiba asks in a sad tone.

"Yes, behave while I'm gone." You point to him. He rolls his eyes "I'm always a good boy."

You smirk as he frowns realizing what he just said.

"That was really cute Kiba." You say smirking.

"Ah just shut it."

You wave him off

"Alright just wanted to say I love you guys incase I don't come back."

They all frown "Don't say that! Of course your coming back!!" Akamaru barks at Kibas side.

"B-be carful though." Hinata steps farward giving you a hug, you hug her back.

"I will. Don't do anything to dangerous okay guys."


———-After your Jonin mission—

"What's so great about that book anyway? I mean we put our lives at risk for it."

Aiha looks through the thick book as you both jump tree to tree heading back to the leaf village.

"It could further my craft. I could make more A class summons. You should be happy we have it because it means you passed."

"Yeah I can't wait to tell Kiba everything."

"Look, we're home."

You sigh in relief "Oh man I can't wait to get the dried blood off of me in a nice shower."

"Aiha! Welcome back." Genma walks up to meet you.

"Genma thank you. We should head to the Hokages office come on."

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