Ch. 36

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You wound up being out for three days, when you awoke you found out about your grandpa.

You stand infront of the mirror standing in your funeral attire. You have been crying.

You hear a knock at the door.

"I'm coming." You open your door to see Aiha and Kakashi.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes.. is Konahamaru walking with Iruka Sensei?"

Aiha nods "we will meet them there."

You walk to the funeral with you head down occasionally wiping your eyes. Once there you see Konahamaru. When he sees you he runs to you. You pick him up and hold him close as you both cry.

The worst part besides your grandpa being gone is that Konahamaru is so heartbroken.

Everyone in the village pretty much attended the third's funeral and when it's all over and the people disbursed you stayed. You collaps onto your knees infront of his headstone and let out a pained cry.

You feel arms wrap around you and a familiar scent fills your nose.


Kiba holds you close as you cry into his chest.

"It's not fair!!!! Gramps!!! It's just not fair!!!! Aaaaha!!"

Your cry's could be heard by many but you didn't care. You are in so much pain.

He was supposed to be there to congratulate you he was supposed to be there to love you and make you feel loved. You remember sitting on his knee although you are already so big and how he would say your still his grand baby. How are you going to get along without his unconditional love?

Kiba stayed with you for hours until you were ready to leave.

"I'm sorry I kept you.."

Kiba brings you into another hug "I'm always going to be here for you especially when your hurting."

You hug him back and take in his scent the smell calming you.

"Thank you Kiba.. for everything."

———2 week later—-
You now sit in Aihas living room and got word that Lady Tsunade will be the next hokage if they can convince her.

"Lady Tsunade? Isn't she one of the Legendary sanin?"

"Yes, I mentioned how she would be perfect after they asked me."

Your eyes widen "they asked you to be hokage?!?"

She nods "I declined of course. That's not something I want to do with my life. Kakashi and I get married in two days so I have a lot on my plate. Plus there's training you."

You tilt you head "Aiha-Sensei don't I know everything I should?"

Aiha laughs "no, there's so much more to your clan than rifts. The only way I can teach you is if we go on a long journey to the sand village. It's a journey that will take years away from the leaf. Your ability's to channel Kira are only half of your abilities.

You feel rather excited hearing this. "Really?

"As for further training your clan has the ability to use many abilities that envolve earth water and fire jutsus. You are already skilled in those jutsus when it comes to your relm but I'd like to see what you can learn. This will require hand signs and alot of chakra balancing. That includes chakra balancing Kira."

"O-oh.. Kay that sounds like a lot."

Aiha nods "All those things will take years to master. It best to be in the sand village while you are learning all this. Your mothers home will hold many things that can help you."

You hmm and put your finger on your chin. "So .. leaving the village.. what about my friends?"

"You can keep in touch by hawk. We won't leave for a while."

"I have to tell Kiba.. wait what about my Jonin test?!"

Aiha smiles "we need a hokage to give the mission so we will have to what and see. I'll talk with Tsunade and tell her the plan we had."

"If she agrees to be hokage right?"

"Oh she'll agree, I just know it."

You smile softly "I need to speak with Kiba."

"Yes alright go talk to your boyfriend."

You blush at her words "h-he's not my boyfriend!!"

"Could have fooled me~"

You smile softly "We have been inseparable this past week."

"Yes you have, go on and catch up with him."

You wave at Aiha and then walk out of her house.

"Alright he's either home or at the training grounds. I'll see if I can smell his chakra."

You close your eyes for a moment then open them.

"This way!!"

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