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The school bell rings signaling schools out and You are walking out with Kiba and Naruto.

"How's Kira by the way f/n?" Kiba asks. You turn your attention to him as Naruto lags slightly behind.

You smile and point ahead of you where Aiha and Kira stand. Kira on a leash.

"Good as far as I know!"

Kiba runs from your side to Kira. You smile as he pets her.

"Kiba isn't your clan all about dogs?" Naruto asks. Kiba frown. "Yeah what's your point?"

"Well, why don't you have a dog?"

Kiba stands up from his crouching position as you bend down and free Kira from her leash. Aiha stands there reading her book.

Kiba turns to Naruto "I will someday! Probably after I graduate! Man I can't wait!!"

"Well I'll see you guys later." You say turning to the two boys.

"Oh yeah, my parents are waiting. See ya guys!" Kiba waves then runs off. Naruto looks down and you take notice.

"You okay?"

He looks up meeting your eyes "Yeah I'm good. I should get going to. See ya."

You frown and watch him walk away with his hands in his pockets.

"Poor Naruto.. Aiha Sensei we should invite him to ramen."

Aiha lowers her book "And who's going to pay?"

You answer her with a shrug. "I was hoping you? I aced a test cant we celebrate?"

Aiha looks down at you, you give her puppy eyes.

Aiha sighs "Fine, Hey Naruto!"

Naruto stops at the call of his name and turns around.


"Come join us for some Ramen."

His eyes get big as you clap your hands in excitement.

"R-Really!! Yeah I'd love to!"

Naruto runs back to where your standing with Aiha and Kira.

"Let's eat!"

Puppy Love. A Kiba x Reader. Where stories live. Discover now