Part - 40

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Next day Pallavi came to Parvati's cabin to know about Parvati and Suyash's decision regarding divorce, and for a moment she was shocked upon learning Suyash's threats. 

"Don't let my name be involved in all this, bestie, my career will be ruined!" Panic grabbed Pallavi's heart. She feared the consequences if her name was dragged to court as Suyash was right that the media would not go easy on her and she may even have to face jail term any chance she failed to prove her innocence.

"I know, Pallavi, I will not let it happen so please stop worrying," Parvati tried to calm her friend who sat across from her. 

"I don't know why Suyash is lying when everything happened between us was mutual," Pallavi faked sadness, "I am sure he is doing all these only because of the baby, if you aren't pregnant he will not be around you even for a second."

"Do you think I don't know that?" Parvati felt anger bubbling in her as she recollected seeing Suyash with a woman in front of the pharmacy. "You should stop running behind him, Pallavi. He doesn't care about your feelings either…" She said and hesitated a little to reveal about the pharmacy incident as she thought it would break her friend's heart, "he doesn't care about anyone's feelings, if he did, he wouldn't be roaming with another woman." 

Pallavi's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

It hurt Parvati everytime she would recollect that awful day, but she blinked her tears that were threatening to fall down her cheeks, and said, "I saw him with his new girlfriend in front of the pharmacy where he came to buy a condom pack."

Seriously! It can never be true! Pallavi thought in astonishment. She wouldn't believe that Suyash could do that as he had always been crazy for Parvati, even when she tried her best to charm him with her words and looks he had eyes only for Parvati. 

Parvati must have misunderstood the situation.

Pallavi realized it and hid her smirk behind her fake desolate look as this misunderstanding would be helpful in her plan to separate ParYash. 

"Do you still want him in your life?" Parvati asked, looking concerned for Pallavi. 

"Yes! Because I love him!" 

Pallavi's reply turned her stomach. What's wrong with this girl?! She wondered in disbelief. 

"You know men will always be men! They can forget breathing but never having sex. Suyash might have felt lonely and momentarily started dating, or he might be friends with benefits with that woman or something like that. I don't mind it, I just want him."

Utter disgust was the emotion Parvati felt listening to her friend. "You seem so different from the one I know. Sometimes I feel I don't know my friend. How can you be so desperate?" Parvati said, "anyway it's your life, as I said before, you can live your life as you want but don't drag me in yours and his problems in future."

"I won't, bestie! Now forget the future and think of the present," Pallavi pleaded with a sweet smile on her lips. "Just make him agree to the divorce."

"But how?" Parvati sighed, feeling helpless. 

Pallavi's face lit up as an idea popped up in her head. "I have an idea!"

Parvati rested her hands on the table and leaned forward with curiosity.

"The only thing that is making Suyash stay in this marriage is his child, he would not take a second to divorce you if there was no child…"

Pallavi's suggestion angered Parvati. What the hell is her friend suggesting?! And her expression softened as Pallavi continued.

"Fake the abortion, bestie, once his reason for binding you in this marriage is no more, he will readily agree for the divorce."

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