Part - 42

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In the morning Parvati stepped out of her room, her eyes longingly looking for the roses bouquet and her eyes moistened with tears when she didn't find it. She recollected Suyash's words that he hated her and she felt sad. Indeed he hates her that he has stopped sending her roses, Parvati realized it and wiped her tears when she saw her mother coming out of her room. 

Parvati and Narayani were at the dining table for breakfast. While eating, Parvati stole glances at her mother whose anger hadn't calmed down yet. Narayani wasn't talking to her from last night, wasn't even looking at her and her heart felt a pang of ache. 

She finished her food silently, and when saw her mother getting up from her chair after breakfast, she too got up from her chair to leave for the office, but her mother stopped her saying, "you should stay home…You need to rest."

A little smile of gladness formed on Parvati's lips. No matter how angry or upset her mother would be with her, there would always be selfless love and care in her mother's heart for her. She could relate to those feelings of selfless love and care more now as she would herself be a mother soon. Her mother wanted her to take rest who thought that she had gone through abortion and she understood it. She nodded her head in yes feeling a little better. 

Her smile instantly faded from her face and she frowned when she saw Suyash walking in through the entrance. 

"Why are you here?" She snapped at him as he stood in front of her. 

"This is my house," Narayani interrupted her authoritatively, "you don't have any right to question whosoever comes to my house."

Parvati stayed mum while Narayani turned to Suyash and said, affectionately, "Suyash, you are always welcome in this house."

"Thanks Mom, but please don't be angry at Parvati. Whatever has happened recently it's not Parvati's fault. I am not angry at her for aborting my baby," Suyash said as he understood that Narayani was heartbroken and really upset with Parvati. 

Suyash's words surprised Narayani and Parvati. How could a person be so humble and forgiving? 
He turned to look at Parvati. "What I said yesterday in the hospital was not true. I was angry at that time. I didn't realize what I was saying but I do not hate you. I can never hate you, I love you…"

Parvati looked up at him with teary eyes. How could he still not hate her even after knowing she aborted his baby? For a moment his love made her question herself, has she been misunderstanding him like her mother said? Does he really love her that much?  

"I really love you, but I will not force you to stay in this marriage when there is no love in your heart for me…" Suyash said with an aching heart. Parvati lowered her eyes and silent tears coursed down her cheeks. She too loved him. "But our divorce cannot happen now. Yesterday I contacted my lawyer and he informed me that a couple cannot file for a divorce in court before completing one year of their marriage and we have been married for only five months so our divorce is not possible now."

"What?!" Parvati's eyes widened in total shock. "Mother, is what Mr.Mehra said true?" 

"Yes. You don't know the divorce criteria?" Narayani asked, amused by Parvati's lack of knowledge regarding divorce proceedings. "Suyash, you too! How can you not know that?" She giggled as she continued, "you two are a perfect couple. Dumb and Dumber." 



ParYash spoke in unison, unhappy with their new title. 

"I was aware of the law, mom, but recently a lot has happened in our life that it slipped out of my mind, it's Parvati who is actually the dumbest!" He spoke like a little kid making excuses. He knew that one of the main criteria to file for divorce is completion of one year of marriage, but he had totally forgotten about it long ago. His words angered Parvati. 

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