Part - 32

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A smirk appeared on Pallavi's face as she looked at the front door peephole when she heard the doorbell ringing. She knew that Parvati would come to meet her after her marvelous acting skills she displayed last night. She went to her room and looked at herself in the mirror after getting changed to make sure she appeared heartbroken and pitiful. 

Parvati continued pressing the doorbell and was extremely anxious as each minute passed and no one opened the door. A wave of relief washed over her when Pallavi finally opened the door but her heart broke at the sight in front of her. Her friend, who was a talented fashion designer, who loved looking well dressed was still in her night clothes, and her face looked so sad, it seemed as if she had lost her will to live.

"Hey! Lovely surprise!" Pallavi forced a smile on her face, but made sure she appeared low-spirited. "Come in." 

Pallavi and Parvati settled down on a sofa. 

"My sweet Pallavi…" Parvati touched her friend's cheek affectionately. "What have you done to yourself?"

"What? I look fine," Pallavi said with a sad smile.

"No, you don't look fine," Parvati said, withdrawing her hand back. "And I know you hold me responsible for your pain."

"Forgot about what I said last night," Pallavi said.

"I want to talk about it, Pallavi. Please give me a chance to explain myself," Parvati requested earnestly. She tried to explain to Pallavi everything about her and Suyash's relationship that her efforts were genuine and sincere when she made attempts to help Pallavi win Suyash's heart, but Suyash always wanted her, yet she was ready to walk away from his life but couldn't do so because she too was in love with him which she realized later. She and Suyash wanted to tell Pallavi the truth but they waited because of fashion week and Suyash was never interested in Pallavi.

"I thought the same thing, bestie, that he is not interested in me but I was wrong…" Pallavi said. "He wants to be in a relationship with me. It's you who is holding him back from coming to me, and now that you are pregnant with his child he is forced to live with you."

Parvati sighed. "You are misunderstanding everything, Pallavi."

"No! You are living your life unaware of the truth, Parvati," Pallavi said, heartlessly. "What I am going to say might be hard for you to deal with, trust me I didn't want to say, but I cannot keep you in the dark."

"Which truth?" She asked as her confused and curious gaze focused on Pallavi waiting for the answer. 

"In the after-party everyone had a good time, dancing, enjoying music and drinking a lot of alcoholic drinks. That night Suyash was tipsy like everyone else, and he insisted on coming to my apartment. I was really happy and brought him to my apartment…"

Why didn't Suyash tell her about this? Parvati couldn't help but wonder. Strangely, he never spoke to her about the after-party.

"He was slightly drunk but he wasn't totally wasted. He was aware of what he said or did. I'm sorry, bestie, but I have to tell you the truth…"

Parvati felt her heartbeat increasing. A strange feeling of something bad gonna strike her made her super anxious. "What is it, Pallavi?!"

"I was heartbroken when Suyash said he was in a relationship with you, but I couldn't help getting drawn to him when he seduced me. We ended up sleeping with each other that night…"

"Nonsense! Mr.Mehra will never do that!" Enraged, Parvati got up from her seat and yelled at Pallavi. "He loves me!" 

"Please, bestie, come out of your delusional world," Pallavi too stood up. "You were just the flavor of the month for him."
"Shut up, Pallavi!" Parvati said in a firm tone, feeling grossed out.

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