Sneak Peek 2

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Scene 1 

She asked her driver to stop at a pharmacy on the way home as she needed to buy medicines prescribed by the doctor, and closed her eyes as weakness made her drowsy and exhausted.  

She opened her eyes when she felt her car stopped moving. The red signal had forced her driver to stop the car. She turned her glance from the stop signal feeling irritated as she wanted to reach home as soon as possible and lay down on her bed to get some good rest. Suddenly her gaze fell on Suyash. She was surprised to see him standing at a pharmacy on the road to her left buying something. 

Why is he at the pharmacy? 

Is he unwell? 

Tears welled up in her eyes when realization struck her that she was worried for him. 

After what he did to her, how could she still care about him? 

How pathetic of her!

She was utterly shocked and tears slid down her cheeks when she saw him getting into his car, and noticed a beautiful woman beside him.

It hadn't been much long since they had separated and he was already seeing a woman! 

She wiped her tears, but the stupid tears continued to fall down from her eyes, she wiped them again. Why couldn't they stop? Just stop! They weren't listening to her. 

How can he move on so easily?!

To hell with him!

She shouldn't reach any conclusion yet without knowing the whole truth. Even if it turned out that he was actually dating a woman, it shouldn't bother her.

Right ! She doesn't care! She convinced herself firmly. 

She watched him with furious eyes as his car drove away. When the signal turned green and the cars in front of her slowly started moving, her driver took a left turn and parked the car in front of the same pharmacy where Suyash was there a few minutes ago. 

She got out of her car and moved to the pharmacy. She bought the required medicines and couldn't resist herself from inquiring about the medicine which Suyash had purchased by describing his dress and its colour for identification.

"Medicine? No, ma'am, he didn’t buy any medicine," pharmacist informed her. "He bought a condom pack."


Scene 2

She aborted the baby. 

How could she do that to their own child?! 

Suyash kicked his car's tyre, he kicked it again and again, his blood boiling with rage and frustration. 

He wanted to burn down the whole damn world into ashes!

His baby didn't deserve to pay with his life for his mistake. 

His baby didn't deserve that fate.

Leaning on his car, he broke down in tears. 


Scene 3

"You don't understand my feelings, Parvati!"

Pallavi screamed at her, fuming.

"I love him! I cannot live without him!"

She grabbed the knife and slit her wrist. 

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