Part - 8

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Parvati ran her fingers gently over the bunch of withered roses lying on the table. She felt sad looking at the dying roses. Suyash noticed her sadness when he stepped out of the bathroom. 

"Don't be sad, everything comes to an end, sooner or later," Suyash said, hanging his towel on the rack.

"You are too insensitive, Mr.Mehra," Parvati said.

"And you are very sensitive and emotional," Suyash said. He wrapped his arms around her upper arms and stood close to her. "Cheer up, I will bring you fresh and beautiful red roses daily," He said with a warm smile. 

She teased him. "What if you don't bring it?"

Suyash thought for a few seconds and replied. "Don't let me touch you."

"You never think anything other than sex," Parvati giggled sweetly. "Now get dressed."

"Not before you give me a kiss," Suyash leaned in to kiss her. She smiled and placed her finger on his lips. "Sorry, you will not get any kiss, because you won't stop at just one kiss."

He engulfed her in a tight hug. She shuddered at the feeling of his bare upper body against her as he was just in his pants.

"Not even now?" He nuzzled her shoulder with his face. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Mr.Mehra, please…"

"I have started to dislike daytime…" Suyash planted wet kisses on the side of her neck. "Nights are now my favourite because I get to hold you naked in my arms."

She opened her eyes and smiled then sadness crept her heart, such beautiful nights will never come in her life again. She pulled back from the hug and said, "mother might be waiting for us, please get dressed quickly."

He let go of her unwillingly.

After breakfast ParYash were in their room. Parvati helped Suyash buttoning his blazer. He leaned in and pecked a feather light kiss on her lips. "Thanks."

"Mr.Mehra, I want to talk to you," Parvati said, and her heart pounded in her chest. 

"If it's not important, shall we talk later? I should be leaving…" Suyash said, she interrupted him angrily, "can't you spare five minutes for your wife?!"

He was surprised by her sudden outburst of anger. "Hey stop getting upset…" he touched her cheek affectionately. She relaxed.
"Okay, tell me what it is?" He asked.

"I want to talk to you about our divorce…" 

"We had already made the decision that we won't file for divorce in the court, didn't we?" Suyash interrupted her, his expression turning serious.

"No, it's you who decided it, not me," Parvati replied sternly, "Did I ever say that I did not want divorce? Did I ever promise that I wanted to continue this marriage?"

Suyash glared at her as she continued, "no! Never! And I have made up my mind to end our so-called marriage."

He grasped her arm and tugged her to him. "You did not object to my decision either and your silence was your yes."

"No! It never was!" Parvati said looking straight into his eyes.

"Then what was all that happened between us?" He asked.

"I slept with you, that doesn't mean I want our marriage to continue," she lied confidently. She shoved his hand off her arm, and said, "don't force me to drag you to court, Mr.Mehra, it's better we end our marriage mutually so our friendship stays undamaged."

"Are you threatening me?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"No, I'm not," she replied, and her expression turned soft, "Please try to understand me, Mr.Mehra, I don't want to lose your friendship neither Pallavi's, just divorce me and get married to Pallavi."

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