Part - 29

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In the evening Parvati and Narayani were on their way back to their hotel and Parvati asked the driver to take them to a nearby clinic. 

"Clinic? Are you not feeling well?" Narayani asked, looking worried.

"I am fine, mother," Parvati said and a slight blush rose to her cheeks, "I missed my periods so I want to get my pregnancy test done."
"Time flies so fast…" Narayani said, smiling with tears of joy and rested her palm affectionately on her daughter's cheek. "My baby will soon have a baby." 

Parvati giggled hearing her mother's words. 

Since Parvati arrived in Pune it had been hectic for her and finally today she got time for herself. She preferred the test to be done in the clinic to confirm her pregnancy otherwise she would have to wait till morning for the home pregnancy test for best results and her heart couldn't bear the patience of waiting that long.

Parvati and Narayani were overjoyed with happiness when a blood test confirmed that Parvati was pregnant. 

Next day after winding up their work, mother and daughter left for Mumbai, and it was near evening when they reached the city. Parvati had not yet informed Suyash about her pregnancy as she desired to do it personally when she would meet him. 

Suyash was in the middle of his meeting and glanced at the time on his wrist watch. His wife and mother-in-law will be back home by this time. He really wanted to leave his office to meet them but to his disappointment he was held up by the work. 

Parvati got freshened up and sat on her bed. Home sweet home! She felt good coming back to her home and she couldn't wait to meet her husband and tell him about her pregnancy. 

Suddenly her mobile notified the  message and her heart sank a little reading the message that it would take another hour or two for her husband to leave his office, but her face lit up as an idea crossed  her mind. 

She made up her mind to plan a pregnancy reveal to her husband.  

Suyash left his office as soon as his work got over, he made a stop at the flower stall to purchase a bunch of red roses for his wife, and on arriving home he headed straight to his room searching for his wife. 

Parvati was not in the room and something cute caught his attention. 

There were four pink and blue colored floating balloons attached to a white teddy sitting on the bed, a pair of baby shoes were kept beside the teddy and a paper sign board glued to a balloon that read, 'welcome home, papa.' 

Suyash smiled and kept the roses on the bed. He took Parvati's pregnancy test result which was kept near the teddy and his smile grew as he read it. 

Parvati looked at him smiling to herself standing at the door and came behind him. 


Suyash kept papers down on the bed and turned around to face her with a broad smile. "You are pregnant?!"

"Hmm…" She nodded her head smilingly, "that's what the report says."

Suyash looked at her beautiful face and moved his gaze to her tummy and back to her face affectionately, and engulfed her gently in a hug. Parvati laid her head on his chest, embracing his manly frame close. 

"We are gonna be parents," he murmured, beside the guilt of the one-night stand killing him slowly this wonderful news of pregnancy bubbled happiness and excitement in him.

"Hmmm…" She smiled with tears. 

Suyash broke the hug and held her face in his both hands. ParYash smiled at each other. He planted an affectionate kiss on her forehead and said, "I love you."

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