Part - 30

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Parvati woke up and welcomed the morning with a smile. She sat up immediately when her eyes fell on Suyash who was buttoning his waistcoat.

"Did I oversleep?" Her eyes widened in his direction.  

Suyash chuckled as he turned to look at her. "No, you're not late. I woke up early today."

She would always wake up before him and use the bathroom saying women need more time than men in getting ready and he accepted her request except the last ten days where he had to get up early for gym. Today, though a usual day like before the fashion week practice began, he woke up before her to avoid the chances of her seeing the fingernail scratches on his body.

Parvati relaxed and laid her head on the pillow. "I don't know why but I am feeling tired and sleepy lately," She said, yawning. 

"Are you sick? Get ready quickly, we will consult the doctor…" He said, getting worried for her health, and sitting beside her on the edge of the bed. She just stared at him with a smile on her lips. That warm feeling her heart felt whenever he showed love and concern for her, she loved it. She got up, leaned forward and pecked a kiss on his lips. "Mr.Mehra, stop worrying about me unnecessarily. It might be one of the early symptoms of pregnancy."

"Yuck! You kissed me without brushing your teeth." 

She slapped his arm hearing him.

He chuckled at her puffed up face. "I was kidding! But on a serious note I'm worried about you. Didn't you talk about it to the doctor when you went for the pregnancy test?"

She shook her head negatively. She didn't even inform Narayani about it. "Okay, my mistake I am sorry," she said when he frowned at her carelessness. "Mother said when we will be back to Mumbai we will fix an appointment with a doctor for pregnancy care, so stop worrying I will consult the doctor today."

"I will take you to the hospital," he said. "I am your husband, it's my responsibility."

Parvati agreed happily and teased him, "Mr.Mehra, you look way more excited than my mother."

"I am…" He said and placed his palm on her tummy. "It's our baby, our first baby."

ParYash smiled at one another with happiness for their first pregnancy. 

At the dining table Parvati, Suyash and Narayani were enjoying their breakfast.

"Mother, Mr.Mehra wants to take me to the doctor for the checkup, I hope you don't mind…" Parvati said, hesitantly, she didn't want her mother to feel bad because her mother wanted to accompany her to the hospital.

Narayani smiled and said, "sweetheart why would I mind? In fact I'm happy Suyash wants to take you for the checkup."

Parvati and Suyash smiled in relief. 

"Suyash, congrats son, I read about your show's success. There were really good reviews of your modeling and some even wanted to sign you for more modeling assignments."

"Thanks, mom," Suyash smiled at her. 

"Really?! Why didn't you tell me about all this, Mr.Mehra?!" Parvati exclaimed at Suyash. 

"I didn't feel it was an important matter. It's nothing in front of your pregnancy news which is more important and happy news for me," Suyash said, pecking a sweet kiss on Parvati's cheek who was sitting beside him. 

Parvati blushed, and wasn't upset with him for not informing her about the show's success. She too was so lost in happiness which her pregnancy news had brought that she forgot to read about his show

Narayani smiled looking at the happy faces of her children. 

"Pallavi must be on cloud nine about the success of her show as critics are raving about her designs," Narayani said.

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