Part - 9

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Parvati waited and waited for Suyash in her room. She had to lie to her mother at dinner time that Suyash wouldn't have dinner with them because he was busy. 

She looked at her mobile screen which indicated the time quarter to 11 and sighed. 

Maybe he is still upset with me. 

She decided to call him. Every time his phone rang he didn't answer.

Is he deliberately avoiding my calls? She became sadder.

Seriously, he should act mature! Why is he behaving like a heart broken Romeo when there's no love in our marriage. At least he agreed for the divorce, she was glad about it, but she will lose his friendship. She heaved another sigh of sadness. 

She did desire Suyash more than just a friend, she confessed to herself. She didn't love him but she wanted him wholeheartedly. The time she spent with him as his wife, in true sense, was the most beautiful time of her life and she wanted more of it, greedily, but she would never get it. 

A car horn sound fell into her ears and she ran to the window. Her eyes locked with Suyash's as he stepped out of his car. She realized he's upset with her by the look on his face.

When he entered the room, she stood silent and watched him remove his blazer and hung it on the cloth rack.

"You didn't say that you'd be home late…" Parvati said. He ignored her and loosened his tie knot. "Did you have dinner?" She asked.

"You don't need to worry about me since there is no relationship between us," he snapped at her.

"Maybe for you everything between us has come to an end but for me, you are still my good friend," she said.

"Our friendship ends with our marriage and it's you who will be responsible for it," he said.

She looked at him with hurt in her eyes.

"I have a few conditions for our divorce, you have to agree to it otherwise even I won't hesitate going to court," Suyash said.

"What are those conditions?" Parvati asked soberly.

"You will not get any divorce alimony and you will return my money which I have invested in your company," Suyash said.

Her blood boiled. Does he think of me as a money hungry woman?

"To hell with your money, Mr. Suyash Mehra! I don't want a single penny from you," Parvati snarled at him, "and about your investment I will pay it back along with profit sooner."

Suyash smothered his smile. This would be enough to prove SD wrong. Parvati is not a gold digger! He always knew it.

She walked off to bed in a huff. He looked at her as she sat down on her side of the bed with a grumpy face and avoided looking at him. He took a suitcase and kept it on the bed which astonished her.

"What are you doing?" Parvati almost exclaimed. 

"Packing my stuff," Suyash replied. "There's no reason for me to stay here when we're no longer married."

Parvati stood up from bed and said, "we are not divorced yet. You are still my husband in the eyes of law."

"That doesn't matter when you have made up your mind to end our marriage and kick me out of your life," Suyash said.

"I'm not kicking you out of my life…" Parvati said in a sad manner, "don't go."

"You asked for divorce but you don't want me to leave. What do you really want?" Suyash asked.

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