Part - 38

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"Good morning, mother," Parvati said as she sat down at the dining table. 

Narayani was glad to see her daughter smiling. "Good morning," she said, smiling back at Parvati. "How are you feeling today, my dear?" 

"A lot better and I don't have a fever anymore," Parvati replied. Her fever had gone down. Though she was still feeling a little weak, her health was better than a day back. Today she had an appetite too. A good sign of recovery of her health.

"Good to hear that you are feeling well, my dear, but you should dry your hair completely, if not, you may catch fever again," Narayani said, noticing her slightly wet hair.

"I will, mother. Actually I'm feeling so hungry that I just wanted to have breakfast as early as possible!" 

Narayani chuckled and served her breakfast. "I will ask Kundan to bring coffee for you."

"No, mother, I want to drink milk instead of coffee," Parvati said. "Please ask him to add saffron in the milk, saffron milk is good during pregnancy, right?"

"Yes, sweetheart, but not in the first trimester, it's advisable to drink when the mother starts feeling the baby's  movements," Narayani informed her, "so for now just drink plain milk, okay?"

Parvati nodded her head with a smile. 

Once breakfast was done, Narayani decided to raise the topic of Suyash and Parvati's marriage issue. "What have you decided about you and Suyash?"

Smile on Parvati's face faded at the mention of Suyash's name, and she replied with a cold expression, "I want divorce from him."

"But, Parvati, what about the child?" Narayani asked, worried by Parvati's decision. 

"This baby is mine and I will raise him alone…"

"It's not easy to raise a child alone, Parvati! And you cannot snatch rights of a father from Suyash."

Parvati was annoyed. Why the hell was her mother siding with him?! She kept herself calm and said, "he lost his rights the moment he cheated on me. And, mother, you have raised me alone and look at me how well I have been brought up. I can do it too for my baby."

"Because I had no choice, Parvati! But you have Suyash who loves you truly. At least think about your future child who deserves love from both his mother and father. Suyash deserves to stay with his child and raise him." 

"Mother, I don't know what lies he had told you when you met him yesterday, but I know his real face. He never loved me…" Tears welled up in Parvati's eyes as she recollected when Suyash used to say he would not fall in love and wanted her for companionship to end his loneliness. "When we accepted each other as husband and wife, he confessed that he didn't love me and wanted me for companionship in his life. How foolish I had actually been to believe his words when in reality he just wanted my body to satisfy his lusty needs. He knew Pallavi had feelings for him, he took advantage of that and slept with her and discarded her from his life when he realized I'm pregnant only because he didn't want to lose his child, but this child is only mine. He has no right on the baby!"

"Parvati, please calm down, sweetheart," Narayani said, and touched Parvati's cheek to wipe away the tears. "Love is care, trust and loyalty, my dear, trust your husband…"

Fresh tears coursed down Parvati's cheeks as she took her mother's hand in her hands. "How can I trust him, mother, when I saw him with another woman with my own eyes?"

Narayani's heart does not want to believe that Suyash would do such a thing. She wiped her tears that welled up in her eyes seeing Parvati's tears soaked face and dropped the topic as talking about Suyash would upset Parvati more."It's your life, Parvati, you have every right to make decisions regarding it. I want to advise you, my dear, don't take any decision in anger which you might regret later."

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