seventy seven

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welcome to the first honeymoon chapter!

song in the media is for the last half of the chap. <3


the one thing louis didn't miss about england was the weather.

it was so complex at times. it could be cloudy and muggy out, rainy, or sunny. sometimes all in the same week. at least that's how he remembered it.

they've done a lot of nothing, which was actually really lovely. they landed in london ten hours after they boarded the plane and decided to get food and go to sleep to start their honeymoon on the right track. mainly because when they got home to grab their things, harry pinned his husband over the bed, pushed his panties to the side and fucked him right in his reception dress. it's ironic that white is the color for purity at weddings when his boy is not pure at all. he is quite the little deviant.

louis was very satiated from the quick dicking and slept the entire plane ride with the arm rest between their seats folded up so that he could cuddle with his husband. it's going to take some time to grasp the fact that it's official. they're husbands.

their plan was to spend a few days in london so that they could tour the city and visit gemma so that harry could spend time with his sister and louis could actually bond with her, addy and kip. and then after they leave, they're aiming for france, backtracking to the bahamas, and to new york. judging by flights and how much time they have, harry said they can go to one more place after new york. he's letting louis choose again, but he has plenty of time to come up with something.

louis loved viewing new places (and old), he loved learning the history behind certain areas and was definitely eager to try the food. he loved taking pictures of places he's been to. he told harry he wanted to take a trip at least once a year. they could plan it, save for it (even though they really don't have to) and go. anywhere. it didn't matter. he wanted to travel the world with the love of his life and for god's sake, harry will do anything that man asks.

louis swung their intertwined hands between them as they strolled down an alley of shops. "what kind of stuff is addy into now?"

"monster trucks and legos."

"atta girl. i'll find her the coolest one in the history of trucks."

harry grinned and followed along. he wasn't even sure where they were going at this point.

they stopped at a diner and grabbed lunch before going on a small shopping spree. harry was immediately interested in the record store that was across the street from their food spot and asked if they could go.

louis' stomach flipped with excitement and said, "of course we can go."

after they ate, they crossed the street to the shop with the weird name. harry held the door open for him and put his hand on the small of his back for guidance. the cashier greeted them with a smile and said to let them know if they had any questions about anything.

they browsed through vinyls for harry's record player. harry snagged a david bowie one and louis picked out an amy winehouse one. harry was quite impressed with his find and praised him with a temple kiss.

louis took a deeper look into the store. it was almost a replica. it stood out to him. not like a sore thumb, but like another sign.

harry was in love with this little place. he was in awe at the collections of records, cd's, and even the variety of guitar picks they had. he walked over to louis like an excited child with a handful of them, pointing out why he liked this one and that one. louis' personal favorite was the purple one.

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