forty three

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louis bites his lip and looks around, then bats his eyelashes at harry from his spot on the bed. his sheets were nice and warm, fresh out of the dryer. "my parents aren't home," he reminds him for the second time that day.

"i know," harry murmured as he eyed the boy suspiciously. "you made sure of that before we fucked."

"i know. but they still aren't here. you know what that means?"


the smaller man leans forward and cups one hand around the side of his mouth, whispering, "i can raid my mum's sweets stash."

"dear god."

louis laughs as he climbs out of bed and tugs harry into the kitchen. "if i remember correctly...stand right here."

harry stands in front of the refrigerator, confused, until louis jumps on his back.

louis climbs up his lanky body, hooking his thighs over his shoulders. harry reaches up and holds a tight grip on his thighs to keep him in place.

"sorry, 'm short," the stripper mumbled as he curled over to kiss harry's forehead. "take a step."

harry makes it to where his chest is flush with the appliance, watching in amusement as louis reaches to the very back of things on top of the fridge. he has his tongue stuck out in concentration as he opens something that sounds like ceramic.

"aha. gotcha, bitch."

louis plants two treats on top of the fridge so he can close the jar and put it back in its spot. he slides one leg off of harry and jumps down. "thanks for the lift, sweet cheeks."

grinning, harry grabs the sweets and holds them out to his boyfriend. "welcome, baby cakes."

he's told to keep one for himself and they creep back into louis' bedroom, where louis makes shark promise he saw nothing. the cat just turns the other way.

"are you not supposed to be in your mum's sweets?" harry presses as he unwraps his treat. coffee cake. that's why louis was excited.

"she used to hide them from me 'cause i would steal them all," louis hums. he breaks a piece of cake off, tasting it. he sighed happily and leaned against the wall behind his bed. "think that's how i got so thick."

harry smirks as he reached over and grabbed a handful of louis' bum beneath his basketball shorts. the quirked eyebrow given to him makes him squeeze louis' ass before pulling his hand away. louis pats the spot next to him, inviting harry to sit, so the younger man takes a seat to his left.

louis got his cake down slowly, savoring the moment because it's been quite a long time since he had stuck his fingers in jay's treats. for the longest, she hid them under her bed in her room, then she switched it up when mark got into them. there's a cookie jar that rests on top of the fridge that the woman claimed was antique and for decoration purposes only. louis caught her filling it up with treats one day. never once did he call her out on it, but he continued to sneak his sugar fix. she always had something in there; coffee cakes, individually wrapped cupcakes, or her favorite, strawberry shortcake rolls.

harry breaks the last bit of his cake up and holds a piece out to louis, feeding it to him. louis knew he wasn't very big on sweets aside from his candies. the cinnamon sugar must have been too much for him.

"i want to go do something, but...i feel like it would be dick-ish of me to sneak out while i'm visiting my parents," the older man pouted after he finished the rest of harry's cake off. he throws the evidence away and snuggled into harry's side.

"we could always go do something after your week is up here," harry suggests. "aiden wouldn't mind some more traveling. he likes it."

"where is one place you have always wanted to go?"

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