sixty four

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harry nuzzled his face into louis' shoulder with a silent yawn. the smaller man was knocked out cold. not even emma smacking at their feet disturbed him from his sleep.

it felt good to be in an actual bed that didn't hurt his back. it felt even better to roll over to see louis beside him. he was curled up with the comforter all the way up to his chin, soft puffs of air falling from his nose. in that moment he looked peaceful. stress-free. and quite frankly, like his fiancé. with the black gold ring sitting perfectly on his finger as if it were made for him.

he pressed his lips to the side of louis' neck and behind his ear. he leaned forward to kiss along the side of his face slowly, reminding himself to never underestimate shit anymore. ever.

louis stirred and itched the tip of his nose, returning to cuddling with his pillow. he wiggled around to get comfortable again as harry continued to kiss his face. he was still sound asleep. he had passed out hard last night after a nice bath, roughhousing with shark, and staying up late looking at shoes online. zayn had sent him a promo code to a buy one get one half off deal to a website he absolutely loved, so he and harry got matching black and red customized converses. aside from the size differences, they each got the first inital of their first name on the tongues of their high tops.

harry's so thankful that he got released. not just from the detention center, but from blackwater as well. it gives him more opportunities with louis that don't involve gang work. yes, he could have done all of those trips with just the two of them, but mitch probably would have been frustrated that he didn't have someone to do runs or keep an eye on the club so he could tend to them himself. unless all of those frustrations were because he would be out of the boss's eyesight due to the whole dominic thing. but now he can do it for sure.

when he gets off of house arrest, they can go wherever louis wants. whenever. however long. it could be a day, a week, hell, a month. if he wanted to spend a month on the beach, harry would make it happen. if he wanted to hop on a plane, stay one night here, three nights there, and four years somewhere else...fuck it. he'll do it.

harry slowly snuck out of bed to do his morning business and poked his head out of the attached bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth to glare at emma, who was climbing on the entertainment center. he nudged her off of the furniture and pointed to the bed as a silent way to get her to move elsewhere. once the cat got on the bed, she noticed louis' sleeping frame and laid down behind his head. with her ears perked up and tail gently waving, harry knew she was alert but would calm down eventually.

he finished brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth out before tiptoeing downstairs. it's ten and he has his court meeting at noon, but he's feeling kind of snacky. he wants to make breakfast for louis and him actually eat it.

he opened the fridge to find a container of cinnamon rolls in the door, so he snagged those up and preheated the oven while he got other items ready.

breakfast was quick and easy, just scrambled eggs, cinnamon rolls, and bacon, since he knew louis wasn't exactly the hungriest in the mornings but he at least needed to eat something before taking his meds.

shark made his way into the kitchen and found comfort on top of the fridge. harry watched him jump there and succeed, which made his eyes widen. he'll sit his back paws on the table, perch his front ones on top of a chair, then just book it. he must have watched emma do it.

he fed the cat a piece of cooked egg and told him he needs to be careful before covering the loaded plates up so that he wouldn't try to nibble at them. he made a cup of juice for louis and a cup of coffee for himself, then made his way upstairs.

he knelt on the bed and peeled the comforter off of louis, seeing him spooning emma. he smiled to himself and pressed more kisses to his sweet face. "hey. hey. hey."

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