sixty nine

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hi. i'm sorry i suck at updating. life sucks right now. anyways. the only thing keeping me from crashing is the fact that i see harry in 37 days. anyways... chapter 69. nice. 😏


louis kept his laptop propped on his thighs as harry slept next to him, nose pressed against his hip. he swore he wasn't tired, but he's knocked the hell out.

he had been up all night, bouncing back and forth between a puzzle and checking emails from mitch. the requests got approved for the bar and general minor renovations. mitch agreed that louis was a genius and they were idiots for not having a television at the bar.  they made sure to add all of the channels that louis wanted just for his help.

it's only two in the afternoon, but it's been a long day already. louis has attended one lecture, finished two assignments for two different professors, completed a quiz, and has been looking into agencies for his shadowing project all since ten this morning. he needs to ask calum for some resources and see if he knows anything. or maybe bridget. even though she's harry's probation officer, there has got to be something she could offer, right?

it's worth a shot. he really wants to do something with this psychology degree. a bachelor's degree at that. he hasn't busted his ass in school for this long to just let it go to waste. mylo messed up the first try. the second try has gone well so far. determination and support go a long way.

louis stretched his legs slowly, letting out a sigh of discomfort because of his knee. he glanced down at his fiancé, who was sleeping with a pouted lip, and slowly moved so he was restimg against the headboard.

harry stirred and rubbed his eyes, squinting up at him.

"sorry," louis whispered. "knee was hurting. go back to sleep."

"do you need your meds?" harry asked.

"no. i sat with it bent for too long. just need to let it rest," louis murmured. "'m okay."

"just take some ibuprofen. i put some in your top drawer this morning."

"i will."

harry nodded with a small yawn. "what are you doing?"

"catching up on some schoolwork. you slept through an entire lecture."

"damn. they should do something about that."

chuckling, louis closed his laptop halfway. "you got a zero for class participation."

"eh. that's a future harry problem. current harry just wants to cuddle."

"you are awfully cuddly today," louis hummed, patting the spot next to him. he grinned when his partner laid beside him again, then cooed when harry kissed his tummy. "feeling alright?"

"'m fine. just tired. and you're a very lovely cuddle buddy."

"i see i've been demoted from fiancé."

the younger man scoffed. "as if. now, i'm going back to sleep."


"loves you."

"loves you more, sleepyhead," louis cooed through a soft laugh, stroking harry's cheek with his knuckles. harry hummed with another nod and made sure his arm wouldn't be in the way of the laptop before attempting to fall back asleep.

once he was certain harry was asleep (which didn't take long, just a few pokes to his face and a nose wiggle test), louis returned to his laptop. he emailed bridget about anything she knew about victim advocacy and did some searching of his own.

a notification bubble popped up on the bottom right corner of his screen. his eyes widened when he saw it was from mitch. hopefully it's good news. they've been communicating a bit lately, but nothing more than what they used to do. he had checked on him to see if he and his knee were alright and offered paid time off for his injury, which harry said to take because bartenders get that paid time off once a year after their first full year. this wouldn't even count against him, he can use his paid vacation when it comes in, this is just to make up his missed wages.

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