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as stated in the author's note before this i am taking inspiration from what i have seen with my own eyes at a club! there won't be many detailed dance scenes but this one is in FULL detail for the sole purpose of first chapter rights, plus it's what gets the whole thing moving.

fair warning i am awful at writing certain things - fights and dances being two of them. so i'm sorry if it's not the best!


"you're up in twenty, babe," zayn sits beside louis, lighting a cigarette for them to share. "you ready?"

"more than," louis hums and leans against the brick building. it was a saturday night in the middle of may, everyone's either getting ready to graduate or they're out to have a good time in the beautiful spring. saturdays were always, always popping at the club. open until 4am, cheap private dances? count them in.

zayn passes his cigarette to the boy and grins. "you're gonna be great."

louis thanks him softly and puts the fag between his lips, sucking the harsh inhale. he shouldn't smoke as a dancer, but it helped calm his nerves. he loved his job, loved the money, but he sometimes still had a twinge of stage fright. especially on nights zayn didn't work with him.

zayn was his best mate, his rock. they had been through thick and thin together. zayn had actually gotten louis the job at paralyzer about a month after he started.

they've been working there for about a year now, so it's obviously been pretty okay. except for the one time someone tried video taping louis giving them a lap dance and they had to shut down the club. don't fuck with mason's crew, he'll kick your ass. there is a strict no photography rule within the club for the safety of each dancer.

"i heard fuckface may be coming by."

louis rolls his eyes. "fuck me."

fuckface was a lad louis used to have a fling with but cut it off because it was getting too messy. he's still quite obsessed with louis — not that zayn needs to know, louis is handling it just fine, but sometimes it can get a little too...overboard.

zayn snorts and takes the cigarette, flicking the ashes next to him on the sidewalk. "again already?"

louis' face flushes red and he nudged him with his shoulder. "i hate you."

"mm, i beg to differ." zayn smirks, cigarette dangling between his lips as he tilts his head back against the wall and lets out dramatic pants and whimpers, his chest rising snd falling with each exasperation. "zayn, zayn, oh my god zayn!"

"fuck you," louis cackles loudly. "we are never doing molly again. never. ever."

"say, speaking of which," the darker haired boy hums. louis takes the cigarette he hands over. "you know if any of the girls want some?"

"i can ask marie," louis shrugs. "how many you got left?"


louis nods and hits the cigarette. the pink and purple lights of the club illuminated the sidewalk they sat on, giving them plenty of light to see the parking lot and the busy freeway.

the blue eyed stripper counted each car that came through until they finished their smoke and he stands, brushing his legs off. "i gotta get ready."

zayn raises to his feet and grabs his hand, pulling him to the back entrance of the club. they were met with muffled music and a handful of employees walking around either in costume or in the nude having just gotten off stage and each of them greet the pair with hello's or cheek kisses. louis and zayn were very popular within the atmosphere. half of the weekend crowd came specifically for them. zayn with his interaction with the customers, louis for his thick thighs and big blue eyes.

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