twenty seven

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even though he swears he's okay and doesn't need the help, everyone has done the best of their ability to make him comfortable and as pain free as possible. does he enjoy being pampered? definitely. does he feel a bit smothered? yes. he does. he's not helpless, he can do his everyday tasks just fine...he just struggles.

the door to the apartment is opened as louis steps out of his bedroom and he pokes his head around the corner to see harry tiptoeing in. it's late, but he's back at seven as promised. he had to go on another trade for mitch since he's doing more work outside of the club while louis recovers. it gives him more opportunities to stop and check in on him while he's out instead of being locked up in the club and unable to leave until they're finished.

"you need to be resting," harry frowns.

"i have been," louis says. harry raises his eyebrow in disbelief. "i took a bath, drank half a bottle of wine and read an entire book. i'm fine."

harry puts his shoes by the front door and kisses louis' forehead once he makes it to him. he peeks at the bandage poking under the sleeve of the boy's shirt and peels it up. he's able to move his arm without his sling now. it seems to be healing fine. the area is still tender, a little bruised, but the stitches were removed yesterday. louis just keeps a bandage over it so his clothes don't irritate it or chance the risk of an infection. that's the last thing he needs right now.

they still haven't found out who could have possibly shot up the car but harry has suspicions. he won't say who, but he's definitely kept a keen eye around the club for anyone that could have done it. there's three on his shit list right now. it's all about the way they speak, hold themself, and react.

harry covers his arm back up and presses a kiss to his shoulder before guiding him back into his bedroom. they're both still adjusting to the bed being on the right side of the room instead of in the center, but louis' room looks and feels bigger, which is a good thing.

harry spots the bunny on the bed. it's head was poking out of his chicago hoodie with the sleeves of said hoodie tied around it.

"keeps your scent on it," louis says with a blush. "helped me sleep."

"precious," harry croons before flopping on the bed. "did you end up going with niall earlier?"

louis nods as he sits on harry's stomach. he and niall went to the supermarket because niall wanted to get sweets to bake but didn't want to go alone since zayn and liam were at work. and since louis was cooped up in the apartment losing his marbles, he asked the boy to come with. it was louis' first outing since he got shot, so he put on makeup and made himself look more alive even if they were going to be out for only an hour or so. harry could still see some remnants of eyeliner on louis' eyes from removing it when he first walked in.

"i gots stuff to make cupcakes," louis hums. "thought we could do that later."

"i'd quite like that," harry grins as louis' hands slowly rub up and down his chest. "d'you get frosting too?"

"of course. although i will have to leave some blank. zayn doesn't like icing."

harry' nose scrunches in disbelief. "what?"

louis lets out a small laugh and nods. "he doesn't like frosting on cakes unless it's a red velvet cake and cream cheese frosting. it's the only time he'll eat it."

"you two are probably the weirdest ones i have ever met. you don't like avocados and zayn doesn't like frosting."

"he says it's too sweet," the smaller boy shrugs. "yet he'll eat a whole peanut butter roll in one sitting."

the gang member purses his lips in a mild state of confusion before sighing. "he's something else. did you get anything else?"

louis gives him a small grin before wiggling off of him, laughing when harry reached over to slap his bum when he got to his feet. he grabs the bag from the grocery store that was on his dresser and hands him boxes of sour patch kids and multicolored nerds.

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