twenty nine

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this is a filler with a slight twinge of "oh word?" so there's a lot of dialogue, a lot of what the fuck is wrong with these people, and my writer's block. here you go. good morning, afternoon, evening, and/or night. thank you for 12k. i love you oh so very much.


his birthday was absolutely wicked.

harry claimed the scratch marks all over his body (all. over. his neck, back, ribs, chest, stomach, hips, arms, there was even a gnarly clawing down his jaw somehow) were from a vicious, wild bunny rabbit. he declined louis' offer to go get checked for rabies by protesting that the bunny was cute, he'll live, and proceeded to take very good care of said vicious, wild bunny rabbit with birthday morning sex.

harry made him breakfast in bed. his parents called him to wish him a happy birthday and his mum even sent him a picture of shark wearing a party hat just for his big day. niall, zayn and liam broke into harry's house yelling at the top of their lungs that it was louis' birthday and he better 'get fucking ready for the best day of his life' — as a matter of fact, it almost was. at least one of the best days this year.

they had all went out to lunch and treated louis to a shopping spree, louis opened presents at the apartment, and at the club he got shitfaced to the point he didn't remember walking out with $6,300. according to liam, he was so out of it that he did his own personal stage performance at his very own birthday party and everyone just...kinda went nuts. he did shots with crew, with customers, even conned mitch into doing some with him.

there was a very brief memory, though, of him throwing his guts up because he mixed his liquors like a bafoon (he hates dark liquor but $50 is $50 and he did say he wanted to get trashed as a usual birthday tradition) and telling mitch he had nice hair. that was about it for him.

definitely cheers to 24.

christmas was good, minus his severe hangover. he almost didn't want to get out of bed that morning because his whole body hurt. his insides felt like they were going to become his outsides if he moved even a centimeter. after being coaxed into a shower and a light breakfast, he sat in the living room with harry, zayn, niall and liam as they all traded presents around. wrapping paper, tissue paper, and gift bags flooded the living room and it took about an hour and a half to clean everything up. new shoes, new outfits, makeup, decorations, gift cards, they're all definitely spoiled.

emma got her stocking, as promised, filled with treats, toys, and new collars for whenever harry felt like changing her style up a bit. mitch dropped off christmas presents to the group of them as well, much to louis' surprise. he's an asshole but he gives good gifts.

it's getting closer to the end of the year and he has yet to recieve his email from the headmaster of his school to see if he passed this semester. he's tried hard, he's done his work as much as he could plus some extra credit, he really can't afford to retake these classes twice. his stomach has been in knots thinking about it. if he fails, he might as well just go ahead and drop out. it's not worth it.

if he passes, though, he'll do cartwheels. that means he can take his next round of courses and be one step closer to his degree. which involves more essays, more lectures, and hopefully more cool professors.

"i think," harry's voice rumbles against louis' lower half of his back, as he nuzzles his face against him. louis was laid on his tummy on the bed watching emma entertain herself with a piece of paper. "that i just wanna lay in bed with you all day every day for the rest of my life."

"yeah?" louis grins and turns his head to look back at him. "you're a good cuddle buddy, i wouldn't complain."

harry grins and rests his cheek right on the swell of his bum, facing emma to watch her as well. he keeps his arms bracketed around louis' thighs as he used his ass for a pillow. it was nice, honestly. very squishy and comfy.

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