seeing your homophobic parents again (requested)

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"I'm so hungry, I don't know what to pick." You told Mina as you looked over the menu in front of you.

She chuckled happily and then looked down at her menu too.

"Get whatever you want, sweet girl." She said. "I want to treat you to something special. It's our first lunch date in what feels like forever. Whatever you want, get it. I mean it."

You looked up at her with a sparkle in your eyes before you looked down at her hand on the table.

You took hold of it gently before bringing it to your lips for a kiss, making her heart flutter as she looked up at you.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too."

You let her hand go before looking down at your menu again, using your fingers to turn it to the next page of delicious foods.

Your stomach growled and your mouth almost started to water as you finally found what you wanted.

However, the sound of two very familiar voices sent a rush of discomfort and anxiety floor over you.

"Mina?" You mumbled quietly and as soon as her name fall from your lips, she looked up at you.

You looked extremely uncomfortable and worriedly, she followed your gaze and saw a man and woman sitting down in a booth nearby.

"Baby? Are you alright?" She asked and you shook your head.

You found comfort in her touch as she took your hand and gave it a few squeezes.

"That's my parents."

She felt saddened as you said that.

You've told her about your parents many times before and they've only been stories of heartbreak and disapproval.

You explained early on in your relationship that you don't have contact with your parents.

They're homophobic and have never approved of who you are.

They said that they'd rather have you spend your life hiding your true self so they don't have to worry about the shame they'd feel from others when they'd learn about you.

They said that they'd never love you or accept you; it just wasn't possible.

And since you came out to them after you became an adult, you left and haven't seen them since that day.

And now, you just want to leave the restaurant.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

You nodded quickly.

"Okay, my love. That's perfectly fine. Let's go." She said before giving your hand one more reassuring squeeze before you both got up.

But you didn't make it out of the restaurant with Mina without being recognized by them.

"Is that y/n?" Your mom asked and shared a look with your dad before they both got up.

They followed you and Mina out of the restaurant, quickly calling out for you.

You froze and breathed out a sad sigh before turning around.

"What do you two want?"

"Well, that's not a very nice way to greet your parents." Your father lectured.

"Yeah, well, I don't really refer to you as my parents anymore." You replied.

"That's mean." Your mother spoke.

"Oh, that's mean?" You scoffed as you folded your arms over your chest. "No. I'll tell you what mean is. It's you two telling me that you don't love me and you can't ever love me the same. Remember that?"

"What else were we supposed to do when you came out to us?" Your father asked.

"As her parents?" Mina suddenly spoke up. "Love her the same way that you did when you thought she was straight. It's not that hard. Most parents are normal that way."

"And who the hell do you think you are?" Your mom asked.

"Her name is Mina. She's my girlfriend. We've been going out for about eight months. We're serious. So serious that we've even talked about marriage."

"We won't be coming to that." Your father said.

"Funny of you to think that you were invited in the first place." You sassed before smiling.

And Mina couldn't help but giggle at that.

And as your parents sent her a dirty look, she only laughed harder.

"My life has been perfect without you two in it. It's only gotten better since I cut off contact with you. I'm never inviting you to anything."

"You're disgusting." Your mother spoke. "And we're ashamed of you!"

"The feeling is mutual." You said. "Now, go annoy someone else for a change."

You turned back around with Mina's hand wrapped tightly around yours as they both angrily stormed back into the restaurant.

"I'm proud of you," Mina said. "You handled that so well, baby."

"Thanks. It felt amazing."

She laughed before kissing your cheek.

"They're so mad that you're living your best and happiest life. But I'm happy that you're not letting it get to you because you deserve the world."

"They can be miserable but I want no part of it. I want to enjoy my life and be happy with you by my side. I refuse to be like them and I won't let them get to me."

"Good for you, sweet girl." She spoke, staring at you proudly.

"Now, let's get on with our day. You still owe me a lunch date." You reminded her with a grin.

"That I do." She smiled before kissing your hand, walking to the next restaurant with her head on your shoulder.

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