you're safe with me (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly sensitive and triggering content. Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable.


"Darling? I'm home!" Mina called out as she walked into your shared home.

You were sitting on the bedroom floor with your blade in your hand and as soon as you heard her voice, you dropped it onto the floor.

You hadn't expected Mina to be home for a while, so you thought you had some time.

But apparently, you were wrong.

"I got off early! Isn't that amazing? We can spend the evening together! I was thinking of ordering takeout. Are you hungry?" She called out as she approached the bedroom.

Rushing into the bathroom, you closed the door behind you and went over to the sink to rinse the blood off of your wrist.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Mina asked as she knocked on the door. "I heard the door slam."

"I-I'm fine." You said as you tried to hide your blade.

You were hoping she was convinced enough to not open the door.

But she wasn't and the door opened only a second later.

"Are you sick?" She frowned, only to freeze when she saw the cut on your wrist. "You're bleeding! What happened?"

"Nothing." You lied.

But Mina wasn't convinced at all.

And she saw the blade in your hand before putting the pieces together.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

You hung your head as you nodded.

"Baby, why?" She asked as she grabbed a washcloth and wet it down before placing it over your wrist.

"I just felt overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do."

"Baby," She sighed as you sat down on the floor together.

She pulled you onto her lap and held you tight.

"You come to me. That's what you do." She said as she brushed her fingers across your arms.

"You had stuff going on."

"But I am never too busy for my girl, especially not in a situation like this." She said as she kissed your head.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's alright." She said as she squeezed you tightly. "Everything's going to be okay."

You sniffled as you put your head back on her shoulder.

"I'm always here for you. Forget about everything else. Forget about what other people say. I don't care where I am or what I'm doing, you come first always. And I promise you, I'll always be here for you."

"Are you upset?"

"No. Never." She said as she kissed your shoulder. "I understand you felt overwhelmed. I just want you to come to me next time."

"I will."

"No matter what's going on, you call me immediately and I will run home to you to help you. I promise I'll always be here. I'm not here to judge. I'm here to love you and comfort you, no matter what."

You turned your head and smiled at her a little.

"Remember that I think you're perfect just the way you are. Whatever's bothering you, we'll deal with it together. We'll get through this."

"Okay." You said as you took a deep breath.

"Promise me you won't do this again. If you feel like you might, you come to me, okay?"

"Alright." You said and closed your eyes as she kissed your head again. "I will, I promise."

"I love you." She said, holding you tight. "And I always will."

You let out a contented sigh, feeling the weight of the world lift from your shoulders as she held you.

"I love you too, Mina. So much."

"You're safe with me, always." She promised.

And you knew that you were.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now