period cramps (requested)

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Mina rubbed your back comfortingly as you writhed around in pain. With your period hitting early this morning came the unbearable symptoms. You felt a little sick and tired but that was nothing compared to the cramps you've been dealing with for the last ten minutes.

You were previously wrapped in Mina's arms but wiggled out of her warm embrace when they became overwhelming. You're laying on your stomach but it's not helping any.

Turning onto your side with a groan, you brought your knees closer to your chest in hopes that it would help. Mina was laying beside you, unsure of what to do to really help and hesitant to do much, worried that it'd only make you feel even worse.

"Y/n," she whispered softly and laid her hand onto your shoulder. "I'm so sorry you're hurting so much. Tell me what to do to help. I'll do whatever it is. Do you need a hot water bottle? Or some medicine?"

You opened your eyes into hers and focused on her comforting touch on your shoulder.

"Could you rub my stomach? It might help."

She lifted your shirt a little and laid her warm hand against your stomach. You breathed out a sigh of relief at both her warm touch and the slight relief that came as she rubbed your stomach more and more.

"I'm not making you feel worse, right?"

"No. You're helping a lot."

She was happy to hear that. You could see it by the sparkle in her eye that appeared as soon as those words fell from your lips. She leaned over to lay a little kiss on your cheek and she saw you smile for the first time in a little while. It filled her heart with happiness, making it skip a beat again and again.

"I love you so much. You know that?" You whispered as your eyes slipped shut. "Thank you for being here for me and helping me feel better."

"I love you even more." She whispered back to you and continued to rub your stomach. "Still helping?"

"So much."

"Need anything else?"

"No. Just need you."

She used her other hand to brush your hair back. "I'm right here."

Soon enough, the pain seemed to fade away most of the way which allowed you to drift off into a peaceful slumber. Mina just stared at you lovingly and watched you breathe while she continued to rub your stomach, hoping the pain would stay away and you'd get some rest.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now