I've got you (requested)

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"This place is so beautiful, Mina. Thank you for bringing me here." You smiled as you looped your arms around your girlfriend's neck and then kissed her lips softly.

When Mina found out she and the girls have the next week off, she immediately planned something special for the two of you. She knows how much you both need a vacation, so that's exactly what she planned.

She took you to Busan and got the nicest room in the most luxurious hotel that she could find.

You were settled into the room now. You've unpacked yours' and Mina's things and you've had a few minutes to admire the beautiful view from your hotel room, so Mina had an idea.

She started to kiss your neck and you tilted your head back with a smile.

"Why don't we go for a swim? The pool is here so big and so beautiful. We can go to the indoor or outdoor one."

"How about neither." You chuckled nervously and tried to pull away, only for her to furrow her eyebrows and hold you tighter.

"You don't want to go for a swim?"

"It's not that, Mina." You mumbled. "I don't know how to swim."

"Oh..." She said. "Why didn't you tell me that sooner?"

"I don't know." You sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Why don't I teach you?"

You thought about it for a moment before nervously shrugging your shoulders.

"If you decide you're too scared or overwhelmed, we'll come right back up to the room. But if you want to go for a swim, I'll help you."

Her bright smile melted your heart.

You could see the look of hope in her eyes and you knew she'd be perfectly fine with it if you told her you didn't want to. But the thought of going for a swim did sound nice. It's a warm night.

And, also, the thought of Mina being the one to help you learn how to swim sounded fun. You know how patient she is. You know if there's anyone you can trust to take care of you, it's always her.

"Okay. But I don't have anything to swim in."

Mina walked to the bed where one of her duffle bags was. She told you that she wanted to unpack it and when she pulled out two swimsuits, one for her and one for you, you realized why.

It was your size and your style.

"Thanks, baby," you smiled and kissed her cheek before you both got undressed and changed into your swimsuits.

Afterward, you went downstairs and into the indoor pool.

"Just take it slow." Mina encouraged you to put your feet in the water and walked down the stairs slowly, her hand wrapped tightly in yours.

"We'll stay at the shallow end for tonight."

"I think that's the best idea." You said and she laughed happily.

"Okay, last step." She said as you reached the last step and then put your feet on the floor of the pool.

"Promise you won't let me drown." You pleaded with Mina and she kissed your forehead lovingly.

"You know I'd never let anything happen to you. You trust me?"

"With all of my heart."

"Good. Trust me right here, right now."

"Okay. What do I do?"

"Let's try floating first. Just lay on your back," she paused and helped you to lay on your back with her hands supporting you and keeping you steady. "Relax. Take a deep breath."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again a moment later.

When you opened them, you were surprised to find her standing right beside you, her hands slowly pulling away from you.

"Baby, you're floating all on your own!" She grinned and you did the same upon realizing it.

"Mina, I'm doing it!" You said excitedly and the look in Mina's eyes was one of pride.

It was only a step, but it was a big one. She knew you could do it and she was happy to see that you know it now too.

"Have you had enough?" She asked, making sure you were still comfortable.

"No! You promised to teach me how to swim. What next?"

"Okay. Try a little flutter kick. Point your toes out like a ballerina," She said and put her hand under the water to keep it on your back, just to keep you calm as you learn how to kick while still floating. "Good job, my love! Now, just kick away."

She giggled as you began to kick your feet, splashing water all around you, and even causing a few drops to land on her.

"That's it, darling! Great job!"

You spent the next little while learning more, starting off with backstrokes and then front strokes before you learned how to tread water.

And with some encouragement from Mina, you took things up a step by doing a butterfly stroke, which was a little harder for you to do.

But with Mina there to encourage you, you did it, and she made it clear to anyone and everyone around you that she was incredibly proud of you by practically screaming it as she gave you a hug.

When you started to get chilly and decided to call it a night, you took careful steps to the elevator before getting inside, hand in hand with Mina.

She put the key in the door and waited for the lights to flash green before she opened the door and let you inside first.

You changed out of your wet clothes and into Mina's shirt and your pajamas.

Once she was changed into hers and she put your wet clothes in the shower for the night before returning to bed, you gently pushed at her shoulders to push her onto the mattress.

She laughed until you pushed your lips onto hers.

"Thank you for everything. For this vacation, for helping me overcome a little fear that I had, for teaching me how to swim, for encouraging me through every step of it, and for just being the most amazing girlfriend ever." You spoke against her lips.

"It was my pleasure, baby girl. I'm happy to help and I'm especially happy you trusted me so much."

You smiled brightly at her as she tucked a lock of wet hair behind your ear.

"You look so happy..." She said, her eyes sparkling. "That's all that matters to me. I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled and kissed her a few more times before rolling onto the mattress and curling up in her arms.

"We've still got a lot of time on this vacation. Think of what you want to do tomorrow. I'm up for anything."

She turned off the lamp and tangled her legs with yours as she covered you both up and kissed you a few more times, telling you again and again that she loves you so very much.

You whispered the words back to her and put your head on her chest before you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep in her embrace.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now