she doesn't know that you know Japanese and she likes you (requested)

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The knock on the door of the dorm made Sana perk up from her spot on the sofa.

She got up and hurried over to the door to answer it.

The girls sat around the room, a little confused as to who might be standing on the other side because it was their day off and they weren't expecting any company.

An excited squeal left Sana's lips as the door opened and the girls couldn't help but smile when they saw how happy their best friend was.

"I'm so happy that you could make it!" Sana said.

"Well, it's your first day off in forever. I wasn't going to miss the chance to hang out with my best friend!"

Your voice was unfamiliar but right away, you'd caught Mina's attention.

"We're all hanging out and watching a movie. Do you want to join us and then we'll go hang out in another room when it's over?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun!" You said.

"Cool, come on," Sana grinned as she walked over to the girls again and sat down on the sofa again.

You've met a couple of the girls before since you've known Sana for a few months now.

You know Jeongyeon and Dahyun well, but someone that you hadn't met yet was Mina.

The last few times you've hung out, Mina was busy doing her own thing so she wasn't there at the dorm or wherever you and Sana hung out at.

So to Mina, you're a stranger - and a beautiful one at that.

Her eyes were stuck on you. She was practically mesmerized by you. She found herself falling for your smile and the sparkle in your eyes.

She doesn't even know your name, yet here she is, yearning to be yours.

You were sitting comfortably beside Dahyun and joking around with her and Sana until Mina tapped Sana on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Sana?" Mina whispered.

"Yeah?" Sana smiled at Mina, waiting to hear whatever she had to say.

Mina was a little nervous and you were so close to where she was sitting, so she figured that she knew a way that she could speak to Sana without you overhearing what she was about to say.

"Who's your friend?" Mina asked in Japanese.

"Oh," Sana chuckled and placed her hand on your shoulder, grabbing your attention. "This is Y/N. Y/N meet Mina."

Your eyes locked with Mina's and when they did, your heart started to race.

Just as she was with you, you were so caught up in how breathtaking Mina was.

From her soft and pretty brown eyes to the precious moles on her face, you found her to be so charming and so beautiful.

You cleared your throat and tried to hide how nervous you were as you spoke to her.


"Hi," Mina repeated with a bright smile.

Turning her attention back to Sana, she looked between you and her friend a couple of times before returning to speaking Japanese once more.

"Your friend is so pretty."

Sana furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at Mina.

"Mina, you know that-"

"Don't tell her that I'm saying this because I'm too nervous, that's why I'm talking to you in Japanese," Mina interrupted.

"Oh?" Sana said.

"Is she single? Does she like girls like I do? I need to know before I try and gather up the courage to talk to her."

"Yes, and yes," Sana replied in Japanese, smirking over at you.

"Good. She's so beautiful though, I feel as if I don't stand a chance. Do you think she'd like me?"

"Ask her yourself," Sana smiled.

"I'm too nervous!" Mina said as she looked at you and then back at Sana. "Look at her! She's so cute. She has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. I like her a lot. I don't know if she'd like me back."

Mina was starting to get a little down on herself as she wondered if you'd even like her the way she likes you.

To Mina, it's been so long since she's felt this way for someone and she thought that you were so pretty that she didn't stand a chance with you.

She had no idea that you had understood every word she said.

You know Japanese.

You know it very well.

But Mina didn't know that, of course, and since she was too nervous to confess her feelings for you in English, Sana just let her talk, knowing that you'd understand Mina's every word.

"You're pretty too." You said and the words left your lips in Japanese, making Mina's eyes go wide.

"You know Japanese?" She asked and the giggle that left your lips quickly became Mina's favorite sound.

"Yeah. Sana's been teaching it to me. I know it quite well now. I can speak it fluently."

"Sana, why didn't you say something!" Mina pouted at her friend as she playfully smacked her arm.

"Because I knew this way you wouldn't push it off or try and swallow your feelings down. This way you were still confessing to her. I know you were nervous, I was only trying to help!"

"Mina," You said and Mina quickly turned to look at you, finding that she loved the way her name sounded falling from your lips. "Don't be nervous to talk to me. I like you too."

A look of relief appeared in her eyes and she sat down on the floor beside you, placing her hand over yours.

"You do?"

"Yeah. I think you're beautiful and funny and I'd like to get to know you better."

"Well, we have today if Sana doesn't hog you too much."

You chuckled and she did the same, making your heart melt a little.

"But we could also go on a date if you want. Tomorrow, maybe?" She asked as she gazed at you with a hopeful and bright look in her beautiful eyes.

"I'd love that."

She smiled brightly at you and started to get to know you more, both of you unaware as to just how bright your future together was.

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