when Mina and your daughter fight over you (requested)

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As soon as you opened the bathroom door, Mina's arms were thrown around your neck and your little girl was hugging your waist.

You couldn't help but laugh as they both told you how much they missed you while they both held onto you tightly.

"I was just in the shower!" You laughed.

"Yeah but you were at work all day before you got into the shower," Mina said as she pulled away from you.

"Oh," You smiled. "Well, I missed my girls very much today."

You picked your daughter up and blew raspberries against her cheeks and Mina just giggled as she watched the adorable sight.

"Did you have a fun day with mom?" You asked as you laid down on the bed, pulling your daughter with you.

"Yeah!" Your seven-year-old daughter cheerfully said.

"And did you have fun?" You asked Mina as she sat down beside you.

"Yes. I'm pretty used to being on my feet for most of the day every day but she still made it hard to keep up with. She has so much energy."

"That she does." You chuckled.

"And all she talked about the entire day was about you coming home. She kept looking towards the door, wondering when you'd walk through it. She was waiting for you."

"Oh, my baby," You giggled before kissing your daughter's forehead a few times, making her laugh and squirm in your arms.

"So, I was thinking we could spend a little time together. Just the two of us." Mina said as she brushed her fingers across your arm softly.

"No!" Your little girl said, looking at Mina with a pout.

"No? What do you mean, silly?" Mina laughed as she reached out to tickle her, only for her to curl up against you.

"Mommy is mine."

"Oh, she is?" Mina frowned. "But I wanted to spend time with her."

"Not now." Your daughter replied as she put her cheek on your chest, making you burst into laughter. "She's mine."

She held you tighter, looking absolutely innocent and adorable as she sent Mina a big grin.

"No, she's mine," Mina argued as she took one of your hands into hers, only for your little girl to pull it away.

You couldn't help but grin as you watched them fight over you.

It was absolutely precious and it made you feel so good to know that your girls both wanted to spend time with you.

"No. Mommy is mine." Your daughter said before sticking her tongue out at Mina, making her gasp.

You peppered kisses across your little girl's forehead as you cooed over how cute and sweet she is while Mina just folded her arms over her chest and grumbled to herself.

"She's my mommy too but whatever."

You reached over and lightly smacked her arm.

"Hey," Mina pouted as she rubbed her arm. "I mean, she's my wife. Therefore, she's mine." Mina said as she stuck her tongue back out at your precious daughter, who was still curled up to you.

Your daughter was staring at Mina when she looked at her and when she sent Mina those big eyes that looked just like yours, she was weak.

Mina knows that she stands no chance when she sees those eyes and mixed with that cute pout on her little girl's lips, oh - she would just melt and agree to let her have whatever it is that she wants, no matter what that is.

"Mommy is mine." She mumbled again and Mina just rolled her eyes.

"Oh, fine. You win." Mina grumbled. "You always win when you give me those eyes."

You reached over to take Mina's hand into yours, watching as she looked at the two of you with bright eyes and a beautiful smile.

She is so thankful and so in love with the little family that you've created together.

Your little girl is her whole world.

She knew from the moment she held her for the first time that she'd be bound to agree to let her have whatever she wanted.

And seven years later, that still continues to be true.

Your daughter was cheering upon hearing Mina say that she won, which eventually made Mina giggle.

"How about we spend time together as a family? All three of us should curl up here in bed together and watch some movies."

"That sounds so wonderful," Mina said.

"Okay!" Your little girl agreed.

And before you knew it, your daughter had her head on one of your shoulders while Mina rested hers on your other.

And all you could do was lay there as your heart swelled with love, wishing that these moments with your girls would never end.

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