you catch her kissing another girl (requested)

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You caught a glimpse of the time on the clock before you turned off the engine of your car.

It's after three am and you're so exhausted. You had to drag yourself out of bed to get here. To get to the bar where Mina was at, unwinding after a rough day in practice.

She called you to see if you'd come and pick her up because she wasn't comfortable with taking an uber home.

And of course, you happily came to get her.

No matter how exhausted you feel, you'd come and get her in moments like these any day.

After all, she'd do the same for you in a heartbeat.

You got out of your car and walked into the bar.

There weren't too many people inside so spotting Mina at the bar from across the room wasn't very hard to do.

You felt a rush of relief when you noticed that she was sitting down at the bar... but you quickly noticed that she wasn't alone.

In fact, she seemed occupied... with another girl's hand on her cheek and lips moving against hers, she was lost in the alcohol and the brush of the pair of lips on hers that certainly wasn't yours.


The sound of your voice and her name being called made her pull away from the kiss.

Suddenly, as soon as your eyes met, it seemed like everything else faded away. It's like she became sober just like that, as it all sank in.

"How could you?" You shouted, attracting the attention of others in the bar.

"Wait, y/n, I can explain!" She shouted as she jumped up from the seat.

She was unsteady on her feet, still drunken, and unable to walk normally.

But she ran to you as you stormed out of the bar with tears falling down your cheeks.

"What, Mina? What's your excuse?" You asked as you faced her, lip trembling as you cried unashamedly. "You didn't mean it? You were drunk? She kissed you first?"

"Yes, y/n. They're not excuses, they're the truth!"

"You were kissing her back, Mina! I saw it! It's not like she kissed you and you pulled away from her right away!"

She tangled her fingers in her hair, feeling as though she couldn't breathe.

"It was a mistake. I'm so sorry."

You scoffed and pulled your hand away as she went to intertwine your fingers.

"It's never going to happen again."

"Yeah, it won't. Because I'm done, Mina."

Her eyes went wide, tears filling them.

You pulled out your phone, typing something out to someone before looking back at your teary-eyed... ex?

"I texted Sana. She's going to come and get you. I'm going to stay with one of the girls or a friend until I get my things."

"I'm sorry!" She cried as she put her arms around you, hugging you from behind as you got ready to walk to the car. "It was stupid and I should've known better and I admit to that. I'm sorry, so sorry. Please don't leave me."

A tear fell down your cheek before you took a deep breath and turned to face her.

"I need some space."

It was all you said and as hard as it was for Mina to hear, she knew it was what you needed.

So she let you go, mumbling apology after apology, begging for you to hear her out so you could talk more tomorrow.

All you could do was tell her that you'd think about it.

You'd be thinking about a lot of things tonight, wondering where you'd go from here and if you could ever find it in your heart to forgive her.

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