you get jealous when she doesn't pay much attention to you (requested)

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"Who's such a good girl? You're such a good girl!" Mina cooed as she lay on her stomach on the floor of the living room in front of her new puppy.

The sweet and precious fluffy little pup had captured your heart too from the moment Mina walked through the door with her in her arms.

She had been passing by an animal shelter and immediately fell in love the moment she saw the sweet animal knowing that she needed a good home and you can provide that for her together, she couldn't resist.

You knew a lot of her attention would go to the puppy for a little bit but it's been a few days now and Mina has hardly paid any attention to you.

"You're such a pretty girl."

The pup let out a precious sound and Mina burst into giggles while you flipped through the channels of the tv.

"Baby, did you head that?" She gleefully asked.

"Yep." You replied simply and even though you didn't see it, Mina frowned in response.

"What's wrong?"

You sighed as you put the remote down and stared over at her.

"Will you watch a movie with me?"

"Later. I'm playing with her for now." Mina said and you rolled your eyes.

"Of course." You grumbled.

"What's wrong with that?" She mumbled with her brows furrowed.

"Mina, since you've got that puppy you barely pay me any attention."

"That's not true, baby. I pay you plenty of attention. Like now!"

"Now when we're almost arguing? Which, by the way, is the last thing I want to do."

She sighed before getting up and sitting down beside you on the sofa as the puppy fell asleep on the floor.

"I don't want to argue either. But I don't understand where you're coming from. I pay so much attention to you, my girl. We spend a lot of time together."

"When? We don't cuddle anymore because you're always doing that with her. You've hardly kissed me over the last couple of days, you've only been kissing her. You spend your free time with her, not me."

Mina realized that you were telling the truth; she hasn't been paying much attention to you since she got the puppy.

"And I know it's normal and I understand why you want to play and be with her but I miss you. I feel as if you don't want to spend time with me anymore, like you enjoy being with your puppy more than me."

"No, baby, you've got it all wrong. That's not it at all. I've just been spending time with her because I want her to get situated and feel as loved as possible. I promise it's not you."

"I want her to feel that way too. But I'd like some time with you too."

She looked down at the puppy on the floor and saw that she was sleeping before she wordlessly pulled you into her arms.

"I've got some free time now. I'm all yours." She smiled and you couldn't help but do the same in response. "Even if I pay attention to the puppy, you're always my number one girl."

She leaned in and kissed your forehead softly, causing your eyes to slip shut.

"Don't be jealous."

"Jealous?" You scoffed. "I'm not jealous."

"You are and you know it."

You knew she was right.

You didn't want to admit it but you were a little jealous.

"I promise, I'll pay you more attention and I'll cuddle both of my girls at night. Okay?"

"Okay." You said with a small smile. "That's fair. But for me to fully forgive you, I'm gonna need some kisses."

"Yeah?" She teased and playfully tickled your sides. "Cutie."

She put her lips on yours for a soft, romantic kiss; the first of many.

But it didn't take long for the kiss to get steamy and after a moment, you were on your back with her hovering over you as you made out, catching up on a little lost time.

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