she doesn't allow you to buy more junk food (requested)

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"Okay, what else do we need?" Mina asked as you strolled through the store together, hand in hand as she pushed the basket with her free hand.

With the list in your other hand, you looked over the items on it and glanced in the basket before scratching a couple off.

"Butter, milk, cheese," You said. "Cereal, eggs, and ramen."

"Okay," Mina said and made her way down the aisles with you.

But one particular one caught your eye.

The aisle was full of junk food, ranging from brownies to cookies to apple pies and candy bars - you were in heaven with all the snacks in sight.

"We should go down here!" You said and practically ran down the aisle.

Mina followed behind you, shaking her head with a smile.

"What should we get? Cookies? Brownies? Candy?"

"None of the above."

You ignored Mina's comment and put a couple of snacks in the basket.

But they didn't stay there for long.

Because Mina put them right back.

"My sweet girl, we have enough junk food at home. We've got cookies, cake, ice cream, and candy all at home." Mina said.


"No. No, but's. No more junk food, baby." She said as she put everything in your hands back.

"How about just some cake pops?"


"Or some brownies?"

"No." She giggled. "Baby, I'm trying to look out for you. You don't want to eat too many sweets. Everything in moderation."

"I guess you're right." You sighed as you walked back to the basket.

"I am." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around you. "You don't want to get a stomach ache or feel sick from eating too many sweets."

"I know." You pouted.

"Once you eat the ones at home, we can buy more. But remember,"

"I know - all in moderation."

"Exactly. I don't want you to get sick because you eat too much junk food and sweets. I'm only looking out for you."

"Thank you." You spoke before kissing her lips softly.

"You're welcome, my love. Let's go finish our shopping now, okay?"

You nodded and took her hand back into yours before making your way down the next aisle, getting everything that you needed with her close to your side.

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