you're sick

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The whimpers falling from your lips from beside her was what made Mina stir from her sleep. She covered her eyes with her forearm after she rolled onto her side, only to be met with the light of the lamp.

But the more she heard you whimper, the more concerned she got. It was obvious that you weren't feeling well, judging by your pained whimpers and your groans.

"Y/n?" She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light in the room. "Are you okay?"

She scooted closer to you and went to drape her arm around you, but you protested quickly.

"Mina, please don't touch my stomach."

If it wasn't obvious that you weren't feeling well before, it was clear now that you were protesting to her touches and caresses that usually bring you comfort.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel great. My stomach is sore."

She reached around and laid her hand against your forehead. You felt feverish.

"You're warm. How long have you been awake?"

"I don't know," you mumbled as you shrugged your shoulders weakly.

You'd know if you saw the time on the clock, but you felt too sick to open your eyes. Lying still and with your eyes closed brought you a tiny bit of relief, but that tiny bit of relief was nothing when you felt so terrible.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because I feel too sick to move."

She sighed and chewed on her lip as her worry grew with every moan and groan that fell from your lips. She rubbed your back and she kept her touch light, hoping that the brush of her hand wasn't too much to cause you more discomfort.

She was gonna ask you if you needed anything. She'd even run out to get you something if there was anything in particular that you needed but didn't have here at the house.

But before she even got the chance you were sitting up and panting as beads of sweat started to roll down your skin and your stomach started to turn.

She sat up and laid her hand on the small of your back. She watched you hang your head and peeked around your shoulder to find your eyes squeezed shut tightly as you tried to fight the sick feeling.

But it was too intense, too much, and only a few seconds later you were jumping out of bed and rushing into the bathroom to get sick.

Mina was on her feet to follow behind you as soon as your knees hit the floor and you began to get sick. She stayed right by your side the whole time.

She held your hair back and even pulled it into a messy bun for you. She ran her hand along your clammy skin and tried to comfort you by whispering softly into your ear.

"Let it out. It's okay, y/n. I'm here and you're gonna be alright." She soothed and crinkled her nose each time you'd throw up, but she didn't leave your side even once.

It was a few minutes later when your stomach finally settled. You leaned back against the wall and focused on catching your breath while she tried to think of ways to bring you some relief.

She grabbed a cloth from the shelf and wet it with some cool water before kneeling in front of you to brush it along your skin.

"This helping?" She asked, only for you to hum softly in response and even crack a tiny smile.

"Yeah. It feels nice. Thanks, Mina,"

It made her feel good to know she was helping you feel better. She could see the color returning to your once pale skin. She knew you must be feeling a little better.

She wanted to get you back into bed and get you some soup and some water. But first, you needed to brush your teeth to get rid of that taste in your mouth that she knew had to be lingering on your tongue.

"I'm gonna get some stuff set up for you, baby. Can you brush your teeth?"

You weakly nodded and stood on your shaky legs. With her help, you made it to the sink where you steadied yourself with one hand on the counter while using your other to grab your toothbrush.

"I'll be right back. If you need anything, or if you need me, before I get back to you, yell for me. Okay?"

You nodded before you began to brush your teeth. Mina left a kiss on your neck before going downstairs to make you some soup and grab you some water, as well as some sheets for you to cover up with, which she knew would be better for you than blankets.

She threw them over her shoulder and carried the glass of water with one hand, using the other for the soup she made for you. She walked into the bedroom a moment later, just in time to see you getting back into bed. You reached for the blanket, but she stopped you before you got the chance to cover up.

"Baby, no,"

You shivered and she was quickly by your side. She placed the stuff on the nightstand and laid the sheets over you instead. You relaxed and leaned against the pillows she fixed against the headboard for you.

"Can you eat a few bites of this for me?"

"I'm really not hungry."

"I know, my girl" she replied, looking sad upon seeing you so miserable. Her hand caressed your forehead and cheeks and she couldn't help but frown as she felt your hot skin against her hand.

"But this will help. Trust me."

You kept your heavy eyes open to look at your worried girlfriend. She knows how to care for you and you know that all she wants is for you to feel better. You don't feel like you're gonna be sick any longer so you didn't worry about eating the soup she made for you. So, to ease her mind, you nodded in agreement and let her feed you spoonfuls of the soup.

"It's good, Mina," you mumbled and it warmed your heart to find her smile at those words.

"I'm happy you like it."

You managed to eat a few more bites and get a little more broth down before you were too full to eat anymore.

She placed it back on the nightstand and draped the blankets to your shoulders.

"Warm enough?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"You're welcome, my love. Anything else you need?"

"Some cuddles would be nice."

She climbed into bed with you. But like before, she didn't dare lay her hand on your stomach in fear that you'd feel sick again. So she slid her fingers beneath your shirt and ran them lightly along your skin.

"I love you," you whispered sleepily.

"I love you more, baby." She said and kissed your shoulder blade lingeringly. "I hope you feel better soon. Sleep tight. If you need anything, I'll be right here to get it for you. Have sweet dreams."

You fell asleep soon after, as her fingers continued to dance along your skin and she hummed to a familiar song. You were out like a light but she stayed awake for a few minutes, just to make sure you were okay.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now